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It may be placed on a ballot and legislature has the right to place an opposing proposal on the ballot if they choose that they Summary of initiative, referendum and recall processes. Tit. Eighteen months or until April 30 of the year of the next general election, whichever is earlier, for collection, and a deadline of May 1 in the year of the election that the initiative will appear on, or 18 months from the date the petitioner receives the official ballot title from the secretary of state, whichever is earlier. A fee of $500 is required; fee is deposited in general fund (Const. 1-40-104, 1-40-105, 1-40-111, 1-40-135). A full copy of the measure must be attached. Otherwise the secretary of state in consultation with the attorney general writes a concise summary (NDCC 16.1-06-09). St. 32-630 and -1404), Nevada (N.R.S. Law 6-203(b)). Art. Allowed to pay another for their signature: May not use "any fraudulent means, method, trick, device or artifice to obtain signatures on a petition" (A.R.S. Ballot title and summary: Lieutenant governor drafts a title which is limited to 25 words and must indicate the general subject area of the act and a "proposition" of not more than 50 words for each section that gives a true and impartial summary of the act being referred (Const. Rev. Of course, in some of the above states, timelines concerning filing, signature gathering and deadlines for signatures and the indirect initiative process may impose limits not otherwise spelled out in statute. Which election: Regular election (State, congressional, or municipal) or a special election called by proper official or when 15% of voters petition for one (Const. 295.0575), Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (N.R.S. Circulator oaths or affidavit required: Yes. What is on each petition: Full text of proposed amendment for amendments, a prescribed warning, and follow other guidelines such as form (M.C.L.A. Art. Law 6-201 and -202, Massachusetts: Const. III, 3). 5, 1; C.R.S.A. Public review or notice: The secretary of state also furnishes an information pamphlet with the title, fiscal statement if applicable, its complete text, the form in which it'll appear on the ballot, arguments for and against it, and rebuttal arguments, and will publish notices in newspaper (MCA 13-27-401; 13-27-402; 13-27-410; 13-27-311). What is on each petition: Petition format is addressed in Mo.Rev.Stat. 169.234; 169.247). What is on each petition: Names of 10 original signers in the application and deadline for submission of signatures and follow guidelines of Administrative Rules 950 CMR 48.00 (M.G.L.A. Electronic reports of contributions and expenditures must be filed according to a specified schedule. Wyoming: in excess of 50% (Const. Const. Cannot stop emergency laws passed by the legislature or appropriations to support state departments or institutions. 19-121), Ballot title and summary: Secretary of state, approved by attorney general (A.R.S. Circulator requirements: Signed statement if paid and 18 years old (Cal.Elec.Code 104, 9022, 9610; Code.Civ.Proc. Allowable uses of funds by ballot measure committees are specified at Elec. 21 1; A.R.S. States may apply a single-subject rule or other restrictions. Petition title and summary creation: Petition must include a summary of 100 words or less (MCL 168.482). Art. It fails if under 90 % and qualifies if at least 100 % (N.R.S. Who can sign the petition: Any registered voter of Missouri, but each petition page can contain only signatures from one county (Mo.Rev.Stat. Arizona: Const. Submission deadline for signatures: Within 90 days of the adjournment of the legislature which passed the law (SDCL 2-1-3.1). Ballot title and summary: Secretary of state drafts title (21-A MRS 905-A and 906). Const. Application process information: The sponsor must file a printed petition part with the secretary of state in the exact form that will be used for signature gathering (A.C.A. CONST. 6, 22), Washington (RCWA Const. Rev. 21 1 and A.R.S. Who can sign the petition: Legal voters, 18 years old, resident (U.C.A. Art. First, they tend to be much shorteran average of 90 days. Timeline for taking effect: 30 days after the election (Const. Verified answer. Art. 48, Init., Pt. 53 7. 2, 8). Initiative Election: Referendum: Recall Election: Right of citizens to propose laws or amendments for approval or rejection by the voters. Prepared jointly by the secretary of state and attorney general, Const. Details on who or which offices write the title and summary are listed below: Cal.Const. II, 1e). Which election is a measure on: Next state election (M.G.L.A. Const. 1-40-111), Withdrawal process of individual signature: Written request prior to submission of signed petitions (C.R.S.A. Const. 5, 5; M.G.L.A. Withdrawal of petition: Any time before the final submission of signatures, proponents may write to the secretary of state to withdraw (34 OS 8). 19, 2; American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada v. Loma [2006]; N.R.S. Art. General election, and signatures must be verified no later than Feb. 1 of the year of the general election. What is on each petition: Petition includes original title of the act to be referred and a statement by signers. Petition title and summary creation: Written by sponsors, approved by attorney general (Const. Art. 19-121. Revised statutes now require that signatures be equally collected among all the petition districts (congressional districts). Art. In each of two-thirds of the congressional districts, and each petition page must only contain signatures from a singular county. Art. 6% of the qualified electors at the time of the last general election in at least 18 legislative districts. Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. on the 90th day after the applicable legislative session adjourns sine die. 16-906; 16-926; 19-111; 19-124), Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but are not limited to spending reports, establishing a bank account, and quarterly and pre-election campaign finance reports (A.R.S. Secretary of state, revisor of statutes and attorney general, M.G.L.A. 7-9-108). Geographic distribution: 15% of the total vote cast in the last election in at least of two-thirds of counties (Const. Art. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (IC 34-1821). Colorado. General guidance as to format and contents can be found at NRS 32-1402. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Must obtain a petition entity license before circulating petitions or paying circulators (CRS 1-40-135(2)). Art. Who creates petitions: The proponents (Miss. How to Write an Initiative? 2, Sec. 7-9-601; A.C.A. Submission deadline for signatures: Not later than 90 days after the final adjournment of the legislature; if the deadline falls on a Saturday, the office of the secretary of state must be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. that day (Const. A petition may only be rejected if two different sampling processes determine it does not have sufficient signatures. 2, 9; M.C.L.A. 19, 1). 901, 906; 1 M.R.S.A. 4, Pt. Art. Verification: Secretary of state verifies with help of county clerks. Collected in-person: Yes (MCL 168.482a(5)).. Withdrawal process of individual signature: Not specified. Proponents must file reports of payments made to signature gatherers (IC 67-6612). III, 6). Recall, the device by which voters may remove public officials from office, also originates with the people. III, 5(1)). Cannot relate to: religion, the judiciary, specific appropriations, local or special legislation, the 18th amendment of the constitution, anything inconsistent with the Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (RCW 29A.72.230). Prov., 3. 19-121.01). The Financial Impact Estimating Conference members of one person from the governors office, the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, one professional senate staffer and one professional house staffer (F.S.A. 1953, Const. Rule 2.36; Okl.St.Ann. Rev. Ballot title and summary: Attorney general. Question 3. The committee must report on Jan. 15 of an election year all expenditures in excess of $1,000 or cumulative expenditures to one recipient in excess of $1,000 in the previous calendar year. Proponent organization and requirements: Must also file statement of organization (SDCL 12-27-6). Legislature or other government official review: The Legislative Research Council also provides written comments to the attorney general (SDCL 12-13-25; 12-13-25.1). II, 1(b)). County recorder or justice of the peace. If such activity occurs within 30 days of an election, a statement must be filed within 48 hours. Can remove an elected representative from office. . Circulator requirements: Must be qualified to register to vote pursuant to 16-101. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (O.R.S. No registered sex offender may circulate a petition unless the person is in the employ of and under the immediate supervision of another person and under circumstances which preclude any contact with children. The initiative process allows citizens to propose a new statute or constitutional amendment. 1953 20A-7-202; U.C.A. Some states also include signatures to be gathered from across the state, although some of these requirements have been found to be unconstitutional. 4 1, Part 1(6B), (6C) and (6D). Take a minute to check out all the enhancements! These serve as the ballot title. Timeline for taking effect: Thirty days after the Governor's proclamation of the results (Const. The circulator must also register with the secretary of state and complete a training program specified by the secretary (OR Rev. Art. LXXXI, 4). In every state, a constitutional amendment requires a vote of approval. Laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, Acts that become effective earlier than 90 days after the end of the session, Such laws as may be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, or laws necessary for the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, Const. Code reviser issues certificate of review (RCWA 29A.72.020). Most states require that the petition bear a title and/or summary of the proposed measure. Two-thirds vote (or majority after two years). Ten% of total votes cast in previous general election with geographic requirement, Ten% of votes cast for all candidates for governor in previous election for statutes; 15% for amendments, Eight% of the total number of legal voters for statutes; 10% for amendments, Five% of votes cast for governor in last election for statutes or ; 8% for amendments, Five% of votes cast for secretary of state in last election, Eight% of total votes cast statewide in last presidential election, Six% of qualified electors at the time of the last general election, Eight% of votes cast for governor in last gubernatorial election, Ten% of total votes cast for governor in last gubernatorial election, M.G.L.A. Does the law in question take effect before the referendum vote: Not specified. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but are not limited to being a ballot question committee is treated as a type of political committee, filing electronic campaign finance reports, where a committee can spend, and unlimited contributions to a ballot question committee (M.G.L.A. 19, 2; N.R.S. Conflicting measures: Measure with greatest number of affirmative votes is enacted, although the entire competing measure might not be superseded (>I.C. Which election: Next general election (Const. Geographic distribution: Yes. Art. Code 9604). Legislature or other government official review: Legislature reviews the indirect statutory initiatives. The legislature may submit a competing measure to the ballot (M.G.L.A. In 1911, California voters approved the constitutional processes of initiative, referendum, and recall. 116.332). Art. 3501.38), North Dakota (ND Cent. 130.021). Art. Proponent organization and requirements: One designee will serve for official notices and statement of organization (V.A.M.S. Since the process is an indirect initiative, the legislature has four months to adopt the unchanged constitutional initiative by a majority in each house before the secretary of state submits it to the people. Art. Art. Persons involved in a statewide initiative or referendum process are subject to the provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act. Code Ann. XLVII, Pt. Subject restrictions: Such laws as may be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, support of the state government and its existing public institutions are not subject to referendum (Const. Must include a warning about unlawful signing, a circulator affidavit and a notification as to whether the circulator is paid or volunteer. Const. It fails to qualify if under 90% and qualifies if at least 100%. Arizona (Const. 3, 1 and SDCL 2-1-1 and 2-1-5). Constitution 48, Init., Pt. III, 52(a)). Constitution 48, Init., Pt. Art. 1-40-108). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Must file a statement of organization as a political committee within two weeks of organizing or within two weeks of the date the first contribution or expenditure is expected (RCW 42.17A.205). (NMSA 1-17-2) Each signature page is limited to one county and must bear the circulator's certificate and a warning to signers (NMSA 1-17--5); circulators must also present full and correct copy of the law (NMSA 1-17-3). It has sometimes been abused by groups . Two states require circulators to attend a training: Twenty-two states require circulators or proponents to sign affidavits or other sworn statements as to the accuracy or authenticity of the petitions: Several of these states require such information to be included on the signature petition sheets. Art. Who can sign the petition: Registered electors of the state (M.C.L.A. We will meet Mark . Reports of contributions and expenditures are due on the 21st and seventh days immediately preceding an election and the 10th day of the first full month after an election. Art. Art. Conflicting measures: Voters may choose one or reject both. Timeline for collecting signatures: Eighteen months (V.A.M.S. Illinois requires either 60 percent of those voting on the amendment itself or a majority of those voting in the election as a whole (ILCS Const. Number of signatures required: 5% of total votes cast for all candidates for secretary of state at the last general election (Const. In the others, the measure goes directly to the ballot after it is submitted to the legislature. 295.009; 294A.150; 294A.220, North Dakota: NDCC, 16.1-08.1-02.4; 16.1-08.1-03.1; 16.1-08.1-03.2, Ohio: O.R.C. Circulation may begin once the attorney general has drafted a circulating title and summary; petition must be submitted within 90 days after the enactment date of the statute. The title may be different from the legislative title, but in all cases the legislative title shall be sufficient. Const. Art. What is on each petition: The full text of the measure, match secretary of states template, be the correct color and state if the circulator is paid (O.R.S. 106.03). South Dakota: The Legislative Research Council provides written comments to the attorney general (SDCL 12-13-25; 12-13-25.1). 53 22A and M.G.L.A. Art. For constitutional amendments, 15% of legal voters. Proponent organization and requirements: Lists of circulators and notaries who notarized the petition sections must be filed with the secretary of state. And secretary of state will hold public hearings at least 95 days before the election (O.R.S. Govt. 3, 51). 2, 1). Signers must be residents in at least three-fourths of the state house districts, and signatures in each house district must equal in number at least 7% of those who voted in the preceding general election, 3% of total votes cast for the office of governor from at least 15 counties. II, 1b; Art. Const. 116.030). Circulator requirements: 18 years of age and a US citizen; nonresidents may be circulators but must check a box on the petition disclosing this (MCL 168.544c). Every state includes requirements for the circulators operating in the state. What is on each petition: Must contain attorney generals unique numeric identifier, title, summary and the proposed measures full text, and follow the form found in the code (Cal.Elec.Code 9008, 9009, 9012). Alaska: 1956Arizona: 1911Arkansas: 1910California: 1911Colorado: 1912Florida: 1972Idaho: 1912Illinois: 1970Maine: 1908Massachusetts: 1918Michigan: 1908Mississippi: 1914Missouri: 1908Montana: 1904Nebraska: 1912Nevada: 1905North Dakota: 1914Ohio: 1912Oklahoma: 1907Oregon: 1902South Dakota: 1898Utah: 1900Washington 1912Wyoming: 1968. Repeal or change restrictions: No veto by governor. 3501.38; 3519.05). III, 3, Const. III, 2), Oklahoma (OK Const. 8). Art. Art. Submission deadline of signatures: For direct initiatives, April 15 immediately before the next general election (U.C.A. Code 107). 2, 10; Cal.Elec.Code 9004, Title board, comprised of secretary of state, attorney general and director of the office of legislative legal services. Repeal or change restrictions: No statute. Semiannual statements of contributions and expenditures are due July 31 and January 31. 2, 3). 7-9-111). Conflicting measures: The measure with the most affirmative votes becomes law (NDCC Const. 8). Art. Verification: Random sampling (MCA 13-27-303). The Legislative Counsel Bureau distributes items to legislators, public libraries, newspapers and broadcasters (N.R.S. III, 3). Rev. Amend. Rev. 48, Init., Pt. Submission deadline of signatures: Four months prior to the general election (OR CONST Art. Which election is a measure on: The next general election after signature petitions filed, a legislative session has convened and adjourned, and 120 days after the legislative session adjournment (W.S.1977 22-24-319). Art. In odd-numbered years, year-end reports are required (SDCL 12-27-22). 19, 2), Who can sign the petition: Registered voters (N.R.S. Utah: The governor must decide that two measures are in conflict (U.C.A. Sponsor or group who receives contributions or spends over $500 for the passage or defeat of the referendum must file a statement of organization as a ballot question committee. 905-A and M.R.S.A. There has been one exception: The case Initiative and Referendum Institute v. Jaeger (2001) in North Dakota upheld the ban on paying per signature. These requirements vary widely, most often including newspaper publication, other public displays such as posting on the internet, or public comment periods. If the legislature enacts the proposal, no further petition takes place and the proposal becomes law. Application for Recall Serial Number. 55 1, 6B, 7A, 18C, 18). Full and correct copy of title and text must be printed on petitions (NRS 32-1403). II, 1(d)). II, 1g and O.R.C. What is on each petition: Must follow prescribed form and include the provisions for identification of the measure, space for the printed name, space for the signature, address of the committee member, notarization of the signature and affidavit (NDCC, 16.1-01-07; 16.1-01-09). The details for those states are below: Five states limit the legislatures ability to amend or repeal a law after it has been approved by voters. Timeline for collecting signatures: One year after the petition is approved by the secretary of state (NDCC, 16.1-01-09). Law 7-103(c). Art. If a person is recalled they are put back through an election. Art. 295.009 with the secretary of state, and it may be amended pursuant to that statute (N.R.S. IV, pt. If statistical sampling shows that the number of valid signatures is between 95-110% of the number required, an examination and verification of signatures is conducted (Elec. For citation information, please contact the NCSL Elections and Redistricting Team. Timeline for taking effect: Effective upon the governor's proclamation of the vote (Const. If fiscal in nature, the attorney general orders the budget director to prepare. In calendar quarters with an election, additional reports are due 10 days before the election and 15 days after the election. 19, 1), Proponent organization and requirements: Must file any PACs formed to advance the measure and authorize no more than three people to withdraw or amend the petition (N.R.S. 3519.01). V, 3 and OK Stat. The ballot initiative process gives California citizens a way to propose laws and constitutional amendments without the support of the Governor or the Legislature. V, 1(3)). 2, 10), Timeline for taking effect: Day after the election unless otherwise specified (Cal.Const. Submission deadline for signatures: 90 days after the final adjournment of the session in which it was passed, except when a recess or adjournment shall be taken temporarily for a longer period than 90 days, in which case such petition shall be filed not later than 90 days after such recess or temporary adjournment (Const. Collected in-person: Yes (Elec. Several states require two officials to write or review the title and/or summary, given the importance of these items for a ballot measure. Secretary of state drafts ballot language that fairly and accurately explains what a vote for and what a vote against the measure represent; approved by attorney general. Art. Art. 19, 1 and NRS 293.127563). Art. 23-17-9), Time period restrictions before placed on the ballot: Ninety days before the first day of the legislative session and the first five measures make it on the ballot (Miss. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The initiative, referendum, and recall are examples of a. direct democracy. Majority to pass: Yes (NDCC Const. 34-1805), Geographic distribution: Six % of the qualified electors at the time of the last general election in each of at least 18 legislative districts, out of 35 total districts (I.C. Evaluations done by lieutenant governor and Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel (U.C.A. Art. Does the law in question take effect before the referendum vote: An act referred to the people is in effect until suspended by petitions signed by at least 15% of the qualified electors in a majority of the legislative representative districts. Art. Art. Art. Art. 19-111; 19-124). Art. St. 32-1405.01; 32-1405.02; 32-1413). 13, 1). III, 52(a) and Mo.Rev.Stat. 2, 3. To do this, petitions have to be signed by a certain portion of the electorate, or voters. Art. If you desire to vote against the retention of the act, mark X in the square opposite the words 'FOR REJECTION OF THE ACT. But such enactment may be amended or repealed at any general regular or special election by direct vote of the people thereon (Const. 12, 2. Majority to pass: Yes (V.A.M.S. Repeal or change restrictions: A measure approved by the electors may not be repealed or amended by the legislative assembly for seven years from its effective date, except by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each house (NDCC Const. Art. 1-40-111), Nebraska (Neb. If legislature amends, it does not go into effect until the original is rejected by the voters. 22-24-407. II, 1g; Art. In some states, the official title of the legislation that is the subject of the referendum appears on the petition. Missouri: The secretary of State will furnish ballot statements explaining the effects of a no or yes vote for the measure, which will include whether it will increase, decrease or maintain taxes. 34-1807), Circulator oaths or affidavits: Yes (I.C. 15, 273 and Miss. 1953 20A-7-201; 20A-7-208). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Political committees must file a statement of organization (NMSA 1-19-26.1). . III, 8). The first statewide election held more than 180 days after adjournment of the session during which the act was passed, Regular election (state, congressional or municipal) or a special election called by proper official or when 15% of voters petition for one. Proponent organization and requirements: Sponsor must file an affidavit that s/he is a registered voter (RCW 29A.72.010). 7-9-111. No. Conflicting measures: If neither receives a majority, the one receiving more votes will be resubmitted to the next general election by itself if it received at least one-third of the total votes cast for or against the two measures. 2, 24). 3, 50 and V.A.M.S. 21-A, ch. Subject restrictions: No law that relates to religion, religious practices or religious institutions; or to the appointment, qualification, tenure, removal or compensation of judges; or to the powers, creation or abolition of courts; or the operation of which is restricted to a particular town, city or other political division or to particular districts or localities of the commonwealth; or that appropriates money for the current or ordinary expenses of the commonwealth or for any of its departments, boards, commissions or institutions shall be the subject of a referendum petition (Const. Who can sign the petition: Registered electors of the state (Const. Const. Paid per signature: Cannot be paid based on the number of signatures collected, but can be paid in general (NDCC 16.1-01-12(1)(j)). For collection, if the petitions were filed at least 165 days before the election and the signatures are deemed insufficient, they may collect more, and deadline of four months prior to the general election. The requirements for an election with statewide ballot measures vary greatly by state. Application process information: File an exact printed copy of petition as it will be used for signature gathering (A.C.A. 100.371). But if insufficient funds for the measure, it is effective 45 days after the next convening regular legislative session. The initiative came into use at Vaud in 1845. LXXIV, 2 and MGL ch. 3, 17(2)). ', No statute found; used Referendum Measure 4 (2012 primary) as a reference, No statute found; used Issue 2 (Nov. 2011) as a reference, Ballot language reads as follows: Shall the following bill of the legislature be approved?, No statute found; used Measure 101 (Nov. 2018) as a reference, No statute found; used Referred Laws 19 and 20 (Nov. 2016) as reference. 3, 18, 20). 23-17-43). 1. General review of petition: The secretary of state will furnish ballot statements explaining the effects of a no or yes vote for the measure, which will include whether it will increase, decrease or maintain taxes (V.A.M.S. Ballot title and summary: Proponents draft and submit a ballot title in their original filing (34 OS 8). Who creates petitions: Secretary of the commonwealth (Const. Circulator requirements: Must be at least 18 and an Ohio resident (O.R.C. Petition title and summary creation: Proponents draft (NRS 32-1405). 32-1401; 32-1405; 32-628; 32-1403, Nevada: N.R.S. 15, 273; Miss. Some states have what's called an indirect initiative process. 23-17-17). General review of petition: None other found. 5, 1; C.R.S.A. Stat. If less than 90 % are valid, the petition fails. Geographic distribution: A requirement for 5 % of the registered voters in two-fifths of the counties each was held unconstitutional, but that case was vacated because of an issue of standing (Neb. III, 2; Bernbeck v. Gale, 59 F.Supp.3d 949 (2014); 829 F.3d 643, United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. 21 1), Timeline for taking effect: Upon proclamation of the governor (A.R.S. Paid signature gatherers must register with the secretary of state and pay a fee of $20 for each petition they will be paid to circulate (SDCL 2-1-1.5 through -1.9). IV, 1). Must also be submitted to the appropriate officials of cities, towns or plantations, or state election officials as authorized by law, 10 days before it's due with the secretary of state. A statement of organization is required. This bill would (concise description). Art. Petition sponsors, approved or rewritten by attorney general, Petition sponsors, with approval by secretary of state, Drafted by secretary of state and approved by attorney general, Petition sponsors, approved by attorney general. 1953 20A-7-202). Thirteen states require a voter pamphlet or booklet, usually mailed to every voter or household: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Washington. Art. Legislature or other government official review: Nonpartisan staff of general assembly prepare summary, analysis and fiscal review (C.R.S.A. A recall is when a political committee petitions the electors of the state, county, city/town, or district to demand an officer be recalled based on a statement of grounds by the committee. For constitutional amendment initiatives, 4% of resident population. Public review or notice: The attorney general submits a draft ballot title and the public may submit written comments regarding it, which the attorney general may use to revise the title. Who creates petitions: Lieutenant governor (Const. Art. 3519.05; 3501.38). 250.045). Must file monthly financial reports with Ethics Commission (A.C.A. II, 1g and ORC 3519.16(F)). Repeal or change restrictions: No act, law or bill approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon shall be amended or repealed by the legislature within a period of two years following such enactment unless by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house. The decision may take the form of a ballot question, a private survey, or a poll. XLVII, Pt. Withdrawal of petition: None, the withdrawal process specified in statute applies only to initiative petitions (CRS 1-40-134). Stat. Art. 10% of the votes cast in the last general election in each of three-fourths of the counties, or 25% to suspend operation of the act until the operation, 3% of the votes cast for the office of governor in the last election in half of the counties.