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or you may have not had much interest in dating and thus delayed it. Chiron was the first centaur discovered and equally the most well-known of the mythical centaurs; arguably Chiron is the most important of all the centaurs. I am undiagnosed so please take this with a grain of salt. on the downside, though i have noticed these are the people that have a hard time leaving high school or a hometown - its the social bubble you know, so you stick to it. As the name suggests the Asteroid "Talent" shows us where in our lives we may excel or have talents in. Eventually, she became such a shell of a being that all that was left of her was her echo. your hair likely isnt very cooperative - it doesnt hold curls or it never stays straight when you wish it would. Casanova. the downside though is that others may believe you are vain. We, ladies, love to hate him. Also chasing after men without accounting for their ability to choose whether they want you or not and/or anguish over your lovers death/watching them die right in front of you. taurus (2, 14, 26): you may have serene energy about you - much like the paintings, everyone around you is entranced by you. The asteroid belt is a packed place, but astrologers have adopted a few as our own. you are like a wealth of social activity and knowledge. Hello, could you tell me what the asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house in conjunction with Venus means? Vesta in the houses: indicates what is most sacred to us and our fire within, but also what you may deny yourself of, 1st house: expresses dedication and devotion through the partner, you take away things that are not absolutely necessary, 2nd house: you share finances and food with others in times of shortage, you deny foolish spending and extravagance, you give shelter and protection, 3rd house: you devote a lot of time to your training, family and career preparations, your family probably doesnt approve your relationship, 4th house: you have good understanding of humanitarian sacrifices, youre emphatic, however you might deny or delay family expansion, 5th house: you approach relationships very seriously, you can be jealous, you might also not be so keen on idea of having children, 6th house: you may be asked to choose between career and duty, you focus a lot on self-denial, you are given opportunities for service, 7th house: you might have more of a conservative public image, you might deny yourself of complete fulfillment in marriage, you have an amazing sense of responsibilities and actually doing them, 8th house: you deny yourself fruition of plans, you might use funds in an unwise way, 9th house: you break down fixed ideas very easily, you suggest, but then delay travel plans, you question ideas, 10th house: you join on unusual quests, your ambitions are delayed, you hold back promotions, you know how to feel other people needed, 11th house: you remain loyal in the group, you have great humanitarian qualities, 12th house: you have psychic connections, you have a lot of energy for spiritual development. The sign of your 12th house is also very important!. Asteroid 7328 Casanova was discovered on September 20, 1984, by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, and named for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), who is best known for his bedroom acrobatics but who was also an accomplished author who wrote on a wide variety of topics, including 8h: we know that every relationship for you feels like you are flying and then by the end the whole town is burning to ash. They may be very conceited or full of vanity. Stuck in a vicious cycle of rebuilding. ), the more high end the better (100% real denim, silk blouses, designer, etc. you are likely super lucky and successful in almost everything you do (lol you could probably win a sizable amount at las vegas or end up being someones good luck charm in a casino setting). you may be a perfectionist when it comes to your beauty and others you may have a strong opinion regarding a beauty standard. While this may show someone with perseverance, the asteroid Astraea more often indicates someone who stays in a bad job/relationship/friendship far too long, or doesnt know when to let go. your parents may have told you you werent allowed to date until you were a certain age. you likely travel a lot as well and you do so in style. you probably change your style pretty often - you may even like designer brands and lots of bracelets/rings! there is definitely a routine like none other here. if this aspect is a negative one you may be prone to cheating or being the jealous ex. there is also a likelihood that you may not be as aware of those around you - this love goddess tended to only focus on her and her situation disregarding those around her :/ you may have to work harder than other placements to place yourself in other peoples shoes. The appearance is highly important to them. a good portion of your income goes to skincare, clothing, quality food, and the gym/fitness - really whatever it is that you do to look so good. i feel like this placement constantly doesnt believe in their beauty and thus they are prone to mental health issues like EDs and dysphoria. Nyctimene is a particularly painful asteroid. If you have Gemini Ceres/Ceres in the 3rd house in the composite chart and this is a romantic partnership: you could have great mental rapport, but might not be physically that compatible. Accidents, excessive risk, gambles that dont pay off, moving too fast, driving too fast, games of speed/risk. Narcissus is naturally named after the infamous Narccissus, who loved himself so much that he became transfixed with his own image and committed suicide when he could not have the object of his desire. Strife, discord, discontent, regenerative planet, feminine side of aggression, of war, of assertiveness, of anger, and of moving out into the world. its hard to say which sign is the most like this greek goddess but this sign definitely gives that same energy of her love life: there, intense, and gone. 1h: this is big goddess of beauty vibes. you are likely very emotional/expressive to those around you. you may not relate to this goddess like others reading her post do/did. . This is where asteroid Damocles can come in. Grief at losing a child, sterility, sleeplessness, trauma, PTSD, intense jealousy from other women, vampires (Lameia sucks the lifeblood out of young men). Where we seek to make things balanced, fair, and right. Would it surprise you if Swindle shows up prominently in the chart of the Donald? Asteroid Adrastaeia can show those who do not leave abusive situations, or, can show moments and traumas where we were unable to escape, as in the case of abusive childhoods. What your biggest wounds are and how to heal them, inner soft spot. The wound never heals despite his healing knowledge, which explains Chirons well-known nickname as the Wounded Healer. When poorly afflicted, Echo individuals do not believe in themselves, copy others, have little original thought, have no self-esteem or self-worth or have a hard time valuing/defending them against narcissistic partners. Asteroid Casanova Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths Phone Reading Astrology Charts Some asteroids are self explanatory Seduction comes easily to the Casanova gentleman. But . Often, Anubis strongly placed in a chart means that death is more than a passing issue; death may become the focus or a recurrent theme in the individuals life. like many paintings of this greek goddess, everyone notices you but you are noticing everything else - the atmosphere as an example. Anubis is named after the jackal-headed Egyptian God of the Dead. negative aspects: you are likely viewed as just a sex object with no brain by women around you. Worry, stress and struggle take on a quality of underscoring life as a problem. you may be incredibly wise from your time devouring culture and experiencing the world - many people come to you for advice. you may be the only aphrodite placement i wouldnt be surprised to see hide in the wildness when the world seems rough. I am not Moroccan myself but my stepfather is Moroccan and I enjoy the culture. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! you may be an expert advisor in others drama - people probably view you as approachable and may find themselves telling you their whole life story - a struggle here is that you may know everyones dirty but no one truly knows you at all. Im just going based off of the information Ive been able to find on these two. but no y'all have a ton of friends, followers, acquaintances, and whatever else distinction can be used to organize all those people around you. something in your aura causes those around you flock just so they can hear what you think about the world or laugh at your jokes. ASTEROIDS RELATED TO FAME: #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship you may struggle with your confidence every once in a while but trust me when I say you have the power to ignite the infatuation of others and destroy them at any moment. but lets face it you dont ever let yourself go in fact i ask that you take more time to rest! the most modern yet basic clothes are worn by this placement - you likely dress pretty plainly but it still looks rather expensive on you. I say great, but as well see, it quickly turns into not so great. Congratulations to any of my Moroccan followers or supporters . Vesta Vesta in the signs describes how we face commitment, sacrifice, reasons for alienation, and work. people may be worried about your rejection of them. you may bounce back pretty well after a breakup because you have an incredible ability to heal on your own. youre the one that sets the standard for the group, so if you function as a regina george the others will follow your lead - please use your powers for good. Related to the mythical, lost kingdom of Atlantis, asteroid Atlantis can also talk about excessive pride or hubris that leads to a downfall, as well as extinction, cultural snobbery, a sense of imminent doom, expiation; use of karma to rationalize events. you are also very prone to being curvy. Next to any of the love asteroids (Amor, Eros, Psyche) this can make for disastrous or painful love affairs, and can even indicate death or loss of a partner. The mind becomes a multiplex field of material-plane factors to track with and hold together. Britney spears have asteroid luda exactly conjunct her mercury in a 0 orb. If you have Aquarius/in the 11th house Juno you try to adjust goals of your and your partner to a mutual satisfaction. Tyche was the Greek Goddess of Fortune, so when afflicted can show poor fortune or luck. but honestly yes thats your vibe or like emily in paris - you love to dress to match your atmosphere! you love to be healthy but you cant deny chocolate strawberries, gelato, a slice of cake, souffl, or whatever your sweet weakness is!