December 18, 2021
the good club members depopulation
“Millions of people will move from Earth to space over time. FORMER PFIZER EMPLOYEE CONFIRMS POISON GRAPHENE … Never have I seen it used for political gain. Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. Club of Rome was originally founded at a meeting in David Rockefeller ‘s house in Bellagio, Italy, and promoted alarmism over population growth. Okay, that's one thing. Nation of Islam “Why do I stay here?” is a question nearly every Nebraskan asks at some point, usually in February. A 'SINISTER plot to secretly inject tiny identity microchips into people while they receive inoculations against diseases will start within … Letter to the Editor Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee, confirms covid vaxxxines are poison.Nice of her to bring some science, to the growing pile of bodies. Rural observers of the acceleration in Ontario's urbanization witnessed, in the years before the Great War, both the concentration of industry in urban areas and the spread of communications and technological advances from the towns to the surrounding countryside. Personal experience with other family members whom have had some difficult reactions seems to support this possibility. It seeks to achieve legitimacy for definitions of boundaries and to obtain approval for this definition in cultural and political, and popular and official understandings. Squad Conspiracy Club (Electile Dysfunction Comments on: Why are the FDA and CDC advisory panel ... The group has close links with Stanley Johnson, Boris Johnson’s father who has written many books about depopulation (Google his name and depopulation). Regionalism, Culture, Politics. It's almost impossible to control a large mass of people, which can revolt at any time and bring everything down. All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from Dumfries and Galloway. British Indian Ocean Territory A Review of William Guy Clark's Pawns in the Game and Anthony C. EXCLUSIVE: 'Secret plan to inject us ALL with ID chips ... It was attended by some of the richest people in the world. (MK Scarlett) In 1972, the Club of Rome wrote a book known as Report Meadows that was about green development and sustainable future, but it was all about depopulation. Beweise für die Pläne einer Bevölkerungsreduktion member Club Depopulation A graphic shared on social media by the Nation of Islam warning against the COVID-19 vaccine (source: Twitter) Months before the first COVID-19 vaccine began to be distributed in the United States, the Nation of Islam (NOI) had already widely disseminated its directive that Black people refuse the vaccine. Club Letter to the Editor Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee, confirms covid vaxxxines are poison.Nice of her to bring some science, to the growing pile of bodies. I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between my family members and/or close friends to a point of destroying my relationships with them ever. is the latest breaking news provider about NATO Military which is online updated on every Russia 24 news telecast. by John Coleman The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300. The mRNA vaccine is not a government or UN project. Judy Mikovits says they have many vials of bioweapons. The primary goal is to SURVIVE as living examples of the magnificent Humanity 1.0 creatures that we are. Via InternationalMan,com, International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world’s nation-states. Amazon releases multi-lingual preview for final Eva anime film【Video】 Our reporter finally tried vending machine ramen, and his life is changed forever Some members of the Global Elite have been arrogant enough to even admit to their participation in “the plan” that is designed to recreate the earth into one global empire. Talk radio is a good example. $80/month. Paul walsh is a very good young prospect for Mitchell’s a very off the cuff type of player that has a bright future ahead ... Current team and panel members should also be trialled as many of them in the club championship didn’t look County standard. Members of Philly 9/11 Truth also asked Turner about being the largest land owner in North America. Other prominent 1001 Club members included international royalty, billionaires, and technocratic sociopaths who wanted nothing more than to manage this promised Brave New World as “alphas”. Another reason is the current technological advancement. The Nation of Islam (NOI), the largest Black nationalist organization in the U.S., has maintained a consistent record of antisemitism and bigotry since its founding in the 1930s. From Sat 30 May 2009. A Review of William Guy Clark's Pawns in the Game and Anthony C. Sean Morgan from Making Sense of the Madness was joined last night by Maria Zack and her contact, Philippe Argillier, a French billionaire who claims to be the source of the documents that have been published since 2017 by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as the Paradise Papers, the Panama Papers and earlier this month, the … Vaccines armed with HIV autoimmune disease causing agents are the NWO’s “modus operandi” for mass depopulation! Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. He has also espoused anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-white bigotry, … Though billed as “independent,” the 14 ACIP members — like the 17 members of FDA’s VRBPAC who voted the same way the previous week — have deep ties to pharma, with careers that hinge on promoting and rubber-stamping the United States’ destructive one-size-fits-all vaccination agenda. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. Shenali D Waduge. The word "satanic" is used in the blog's name because it truly represents what elite members really are, and not for any other reason. A: Exactly. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. The scheme is to weaken the masses by depopulation, make us sick with bad food, water, air, injections. Source – Depopulation of 90% puts the world population in that ballpark. These members, along with Gates, have given away more than £45 billion since 1996 to causes ranging from health programs in developing countries to ghetto schools nearer to home. On 24 April 1974 then US Secretary of State under George Bush Snr said ‘depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World’.Juxtapose that with Ghanian Nana Kwame’s allegation that people started dying only after the Red Cross vaccinations is certainly food for thought especially when he goes on to say that … Club of Rome’s goals include depopulation. The essay (The Launch of a Club – Page 55) referred to here was written by Alexander King, co … Via InternationalMan,com, International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world’s nation-states. SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created over the past two decades which never worked, thus Fauci, Gates and their handlers used 60 GZ of 5G energy to precipitate shutting down the immune system to simulate the non-existent COVID-19 and the "plandemic" was underway. Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation Jay Dyer joins to help give a SPARS 2025-2028 update and confirm that the COVID-19 vaccine is a globalist bio-attack meant to collapse nation states and usher in the New World Order. Never have I seen it used for political gain. F. Kennedy Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccination Agenda. The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”. Dan Evon. is the latest breaking news provider about NATO Military which is online updated on every Russia 24 news telecast. Recently, Dr. Toby Rogers did a risk-benefit analysis showing we’ll kill 117 kids for every kid we save from COVID with the vaccines aged 5 to 11.. Vaccines and the NWO Depopulation Agenda (Parts 1 & 2) Legal Disclaimer: No statements written or oral constitute legal or medical advice. In the Bible of the Branch Covidians is the Book of Gates, Chapter 6, verses 14-17: [14] Stand therefore, having the face girt with thy miraculous face mask of cloth, and having laid the social distancing floor stickers of … The SENIORSonly CLUB (Seniors Only Club) is an online discussion forum for people fifty years old and up. The ratio doesn’t really change if they change the dose, e.g., to a third of the adult dose. In 1962 Roy Ash, Henry Kissinger, and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, all members of the infamous Club of Rome, were financial investors in a company called Litton Bionetics. SM / June 20, 2021. That is the hidden agenda. Published 22 September 2021. John Tomaney, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition), 2020. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. We are all members of the third world in the eyes of the elite. "This is the Good Club, the name given to the tiny global elite of billionaire philanthropists who recently held their first and highly secretive meeting in the heart of New York City. The Global Oligarchy 26 Oct 21 942. THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. David Rockefeller did so in his 2002 book about his memoirs. This occasional series will examine the very real issues of depopulation and brain drain through the lens of Nebraskans who did stay and decided to do something to make their urban, suburban or rural place better. Notice how the corona virus symbol is the chaos symbol with the arrow heads flattened? Another reasons is population control. “…According to Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, German microbiologist, and as reported in The New American on 16 April 2021 in an article entitled “Covid shots to Decimate the World Population”. A little. The plan was simple: each of the 1001 founding members simply put $10,000 into the trust which was then directed towards the green paradigm shift. CV-19 pendants are making the rounds. Several months later, Bill Gates, in a presentation pertaining to vaccination, confirmed the following; “And if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [the world population] by 10 or 15 percent.” So, was depopulation the primary objective of the Good Club? Ikeda is an honorary member of the Club of Rome, right from their website The founding of the Club of Rome by Rockefeller in Bellagio, Italy Some more unraveling of the Club of Rome - take a look at the line up The Club of Rome has indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as "useless eaters." It is a private initiative by the billionaire eugenicists around the world (as Gates was warning in 2015 of pandemics to come). Medical tyranny is now suppressing the human rights of the people. Agenda 21 came onto the world stage at the 1992 Rio Earth Conference, and has its origins at the Club of Rome, one of the Round Table think tanks and secret societies that run the world, alongside the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. 12.11.21- The FBI Can Access Your Personal Data in 15 Minutes Martin Armstrong. The GAA and the challenge of rural depopulation – Mayo News football podcast 2021 E44. - "Reducir la Población Mundial" - Reunión Secreta en 2009 del Club de Multimillonarios 'Good Club' - Remove 6 Billion People and Introduce New World Order - Says Vatican Speaker - Royal Society Believes Depopulation Will Save The Environment There is a long history of vaccine companies lying in the past. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. A Big Thank You From the Global Oligarchy. In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. Another sinister fact: the authors of what we now call the American Stonehenge are still a “mystery”… except for those in the know. EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization ( (Skip to 1h:30)… The word "satanic" is used in the blog's name because it truly represents what elite members really are, and not for any other reason. Robert. Shenali D Waduge. Another thing is sex and children, which I'll get to in a moment. Dr. In fact, it would only take officers about 15 minutes to access the contents of iMessages to collect metadata from WhatsApp. The Club of Rome is governed by an Executive Committee of thirteen members who investigate global issues, then set the priorities and decide on the strategies of the Club. In the Bible of the Branch Covidians is the Book of Gates, Chapter 6, verses 14-17: [14] Stand therefore, having the face girt with thy miraculous face mask of cloth, and having laid the social distancing floor stickers of sanctimonious self … On 24 April 1974 then US Secretary of State under George Bush Snr said ‘depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World’.Juxtapose that with Ghanian Nana Kwame’s allegation that people started dying only after the Red Cross vaccinations is certainly food for thought especially when he goes on to say that … A higher level of monthly membership. Marc Morano, a former congressional staffer and publisher of Climate Depot, told NTD that the new climate change policies are are an effort to sell … Tungsten Member. Now Mr. Gates and his allies, including Big-Pharma, WHO, UNICEF, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID / NIH, a close ally of Mr. Gates – and of course, Agenda ID2020, … Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months. Together with David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, and a small clutch of additional billionaires, Gates formed a cabal they dubbed “The Good Club,” which seems to be fixated on population control. The goal? Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. Tungsten Members receive priority ticketing for special events, and Brian Eno’s album January 07003: Bell Studies for the Clock of the Long Now.They also receive a copy of our book, Long Now: Works in Progress, complimentary tickets to our monthly talks in San Francisco and priority access to buy tickets … Human population planning is the practice of intentionally controlling the growth rate of a human population.The practice, traditionally referred to as population control, had historically been implemented mainly with the goal of increasing population growth, though from the 1950s to the 1980s, concerns about overpopulation and its effects on poverty, the environment and political … And perhaps above all we are gloriously NATURAL. Editor's Note: I welcome reader's comments on individual members, the composition of this group, and the role this committee plays. During his 40-year tenure as the NOI’s leader, Louis Farrakhan has built a legacy of divisiveness as one of the most prominent antisemites in America. The Georgia Guidestones, in Elbert County, on one of the highest hilltops stands this huge granite monument which is engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones.Also referred to as the American Stonehenge.Erected March 22nd, 1980.Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates … Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. EUGENICS: Depopulation & The mRNA Vaccine – By Peter Koenig. The vaccines I have listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking them or for even taking them for that matter. (Michael Snyder and Alexander Light) There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that the world is facing and that something desperately needs to be done about it. Evidence of a Depopulation Agenda? Expand your Outlook. They are still at it… This text is taken from the Club of Rome’s 2002 report, ‘Planetary Emergency Plan: Securing a … We will […] And that’s the vision of Blue Origin – millions of people working in space,” he said, referring to his own firm. On 24 May 2009 The Sunday Times published an article on its website revealing an important meeting held at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, in Manhattan on 5 MAY 2009. See the article: What is the “Global Public-Private Partnership”? The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason.” The first commandment? Will it ever end? Run by seniors for seniors, both senior citizens and baby boomers are encouraged to join us. Q: (Ellipse) Does the DNA vaccine lower the immune system? They truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth and that we will literally destroy the planet if we are left to our own … The COVID virus/vaccine is an artificial way of accelerating "sustainable development". On 1 May 1776 Weishaupt founded a secret society called the ‘Perfectilibists’ (which soon became known as the ‘Order of the Illuminati’).The Illuminati recruited over 2,000 influential followers, but apparently lasted only until March 1785 when the Bavarian Government uncovered the conspiracy, exiled Weishaupt and outlawed the Order. The way to fight it is at the local level. Gates in February outlined a plan to try to cap the world’s population at 8.3 billion people, rather than the projected 9.3 billion at which the population is expected to peak. The War Against Population - NSA and Club of … Depopulation in Japan leads company to renovate two apartments into one huge living space; Evangelion in 11 languages! Dave Hodges December 3, 2013 The Common Sense Show Henry thinks you are the third world. Although not officially an organization at all, the “Black Eye” club refers to a growing number of politicians, celebrities, business elites, and heads of State who have suddenly and mysteriously wound up with black eyes. But some right-leaning blogs have started attacking the billionaires as forming a kind of secret sterilization society or giant ATM to fund abortions. Although a few of them have sustained injuries to their right eye, the majority occur on the left. A graphic shared on social media by the Nation of Islam warning against the COVID-19 vaccine (source: Twitter) Months before the first COVID-19 vaccine began to be distributed in the United States, the Nation of Islam (NOI) had already widely disseminated its directive that Black people refuse the vaccine. r/eu4: A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. The first commandment? Certainly we are flawed, but we are also capable of goodness and nobility and creativity and kindness and courage and majesty and transcendence. You've been so very obedient it warms our evil hearts! Interestingly, does a PX fly-by. Notice how the corona virus symbol is the chaos symbol with the arrow heads flattened? STORY AT-A-GLANCE. International End Run Around American Constitutional Government Financing the Treason of Subversion. In 2009 Bill Gates held a secret meeting with a group of billionaires called "The Good Club." Quoting: Anon Braveheart. This collective of stakeholders (the capitalists and their partners) comprises global corporations (including central banks), philanthropic foundations (multi-billionaire philanthropists), policy think tanks, governments (and their agencies), non … Regionalism is a performative discourse. It is the policies formulated in the Club of Rome, on behalf of the "black noble" families of Venice and Great Britain, which are then transmitted through See also brief video featuring Author Bill Still ( 6 min) entitled The Truth about Bill Gates and his disastrous Vaccination Programs around the World. Its 1973 book, The Limits to Growth, coincided with the creation of the Trilateral Commission, also by Rockefeller. The future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm. Registration is free, but required for participation in forum discussions. 2 talking about this. 3 or 4 people can bring so much pressure on the local media, that they will not be able … They gathered at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel prize biochemist and president of the private Rockefeller University, in Manhattan on May 5. They are good at building robots, and creating viruses, but the secret plan to cull the herd and make it appear natural isn't working like they expected. Over a year later, the NOI and its leading … The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) can legally access your “secure messaging app content,” according to a new report by The Epoch Times. CV-19 pendants are making the rounds. Bill Gates is also a member of this “Depopulation Club” and rest assured if the Great Reset doesn’t kill you the vaccine which was designed to insert viral genetic material into your body cells might! Flynn’s ‘Vaccine in Salad Dressing’ Comment Not as Crazy as It Sounds. The British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is a British Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom situated in the Indian Ocean halfway between Tanzania and Indonesia.The territory comprises the seven atolls of the Chagos Archipelago with over 1,000 individual islands – many very small – amounting to a total land area of 60 square kilometres (23 sq mi).
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