December 18, 2021

pate's grammar school staff list

Pate’s Grammar School is a grammar school academy status located in the Hesters Way area Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. CHELTENHAM. Pate's Grammar School. Top UK Grammar Schools - Ranking & League Table 2021 IMG_7086. This file includes the school or college's details such as its address, phone number and gender of entry. Bronze | patesgsdofe Pate's Grammar School. Year 8 Camp. A massive congratulations to the staff and… Liked by Shannon Stevens. Google Docs 0.7 miles Christ Church CofE Primary School Primary school 4 - 11 years. St. John's Elementary School. The school was founded with a fund bestowed to Corpus Christi … Number of pupils: 2057. Local authority: Gloucestershire. It caters for pupils aged 11 to 18 and is a Beacon school. Pate's Grammar School is a grammar school with academy status in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. School Staff Inspection Training. Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham, Pates has been consistently been viewed as outstanding since the first report in 2005 and retained the rating after a full inspection in 2009. Our People | Mentone Grammar The UK’s best grammar schools for getting a place at Oxford or Cambridge Pate's Grammar School. Pate's Grammar School. Please note that some school services may already be full to capacity. for PATE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL (07369704) Registered office address. Pate's Grammar School, Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham, GL51 0HG. UCLA Map | UCLA Graduate Programs The decision on whether or not to accept an external pupil into the Preparatory Department is taken after a preliminary visit. Advanced Cycling. For the last few years on Valentine's Day, students have raised both a smile and considerable amounts of money for their chosen charities by performing Serenade-O-Grams to unwitting staff and students around the school. 120 E. Smith Avenue, Darlington, SC 29532 (843) 398-5100. Having a staff number comprising 64.8 members of staff, Pate's Grammar School has a higher than normal staff number. Kent is jam-packed with grammar schools and 15,000 tetchy 10-year- olds sat the anxiety-inducing 'Kent Test' last year. Ochre-yellow skirt indicates secondary school level. Pate's Grammar School Sep 2004 - Aug 2010 6 years. Pate's Grammar School Silver | patesgsdofe This table shows the actual destination schools for same six groups of Year 6 pupils: The UK’s best grammar schools for getting a place at Oxford or Cambridge Pate's Grammar School. In April 2013 the school was rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted. Search for people on this page. 1983–1986: P.J. Gloucestershire - Pate's Sixth Form PATE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL. We are always keen to hear from teachers or support staff who may be interested in working at Pate's Grammar School in the future. Age Range 3-11 yr. 295 Students. Employee Children School Transfers. The list of 20, 40 or 60 schools will show schools ranked by their School Guide Star Rating first. PATE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Company type. We will ask you to list all your subjects and grades, including any previous GCSE’s you may have taken earlier. Students here achieve the highest academic standards whilst also benefitting from exceptional … Sports Administrator, Loughborough Grammar School. Pen Portrait. Pupils can be admitted at any age, subject to the availability of places but most enter aged 3 or 7. Support staff Total number This element dynamically updates the page. These establishments are linked with Pate's Grammar School, URN: 136353. How you revise for the Ashlawn School 11+ exam is just as important how much you revise. Father telling off daughter. Details with exact arrangements will be emailed to parents prior to the trip. The SOCS sport toolkit is designed to save time and help manage sports in schools. English. 5 talking about this. Number of pupils: 995 (approx.) To be considered for one of the 150 Year 7 places at Pate’s Grammar School, prospective pupils must achieve the required standard in the 11 Plus exam. Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Wrekin - KES vs Solihull School. For most establishments, there is also data about the school's exam results (2019 only), Ofsted rating, pupil absence and other details. It is also a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference. Facebook Twitter Instagram Search Edlio Login. 3. Buckinghamshire - Address change evidence. Calling Pate's Grammar School Alumni - students and staff - we want to … The data in this form is used to generate a CCF consent form that will be emailed to the address given. For Staff. Pate's Grammar School is a selective academy. IMG_7086. Pate's Grammar School Team List: Pate's Grammar School Princess Elizabeth Way CHELTENHAM Gloucestershire GL51 0HG Tel: 01242 538244 Below are the schools that our Year 6 pupils have gone on to after leaving the Richard Pate School. ... Pupils remark on the helpfulness and availability of staff, and staff speak very well of the students - but no-one comes to Pate's without an enthusiasm for learning. Pate's Grammar School Team List: Pate's Grammar School Princess Elizabeth Way CHELTENHAM Gloucestershire GL51 0HG Tel: 01242 538244 Ashlawn School 11+ Preparation Advice. The Doughnut is the nickname given to the headquarters of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), a British cryptography and intelligence agency.It is located on a 71 hectares (176 acres) site in Benhall, in the suburbs of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in South West England. SIMS Options frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other priorities. The school became co-educational in 1986, when Pate's Grammar School for Girls merged with Cheltenham Grammar School . In November 2012 Pate's was awarded with State ‘Secondary School of the Year’ by The Sunday Times in their Good Schools Guide. Head | Judith Fremont-Barnes MA (Hons), MEd Educated at Kingston Grammar School from 1980-1987, Judith was usually to be found in the Classics Department or on stage. Main School Office: 01242 523169. However, your child cannot be considered for a grammar place until they have a test result. 1998 - 2004. Discover some of the individuals who make our School a wonderful place to be with their dedication, effort and leadership. Any adverts that are sent after this time will be scheduled to appear the following week. Browse over 150 educational resources created by Pennington Publishing in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. Nurturing Excellence | Sunday Times State Secondary School of the Year 2020. To our new Year 9 DofE Participants, . Deputy Head with Academic Overview - responsible for T&L, Curriculum Development, Departmental Line Management, School Self Evaluation, Ofsted, Staff Performance Management, CPD and INSET. Once your group has registered a payment request will be put on school gateway. The Richard Pate School. Cheltenham Education University of Gloucestershire BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science PGCE Secondary. Ensure you select a skill from the ideas sheet in the link below and remember that you need to show improvement so it will be preferable (and more interesting and challenging for you) to do a different activity each time you progress up the DofE award levels. Active. Forms can be returned by hand or posted to: Pates Grammar School CCF Princess Elizabeth Way CHELTENHAM GL51 0HG The CCF and DofE award training are closely linked and we have combined training for Bronze … First Aid. Student Incident Report Form. All of our building are equipped with smoke detectors and fire alarms. He is the only person in the country to have been Headteacher of a state comprehensive school, a state grammar school, an academy and now a leading independent school. Please contact us at with a copy of your CV if you would like us to keep your information on file. The spotlight on grammars is ever increasing in this corner of the country, fuelled by Nicky Morgan's controversial approval, in 2015, of a new site for Weald of Kent Grammar School. A. Climbing clubs cost £170 for the term and run for 10 evenings this term after school at 15:45-17:55 in the school gym on the climbing wall. Contact Info. Number of full ... Add to Create Pate's Grammar School My schools list. You can get information on how to prepare for the exam on our Top Ten 11 Plus Preparation Tips page.While it is recommended to start revision and preparation early, if you have left it late to begin, the we suggest visiting our Last Minute Preparation page to … Sat 4 Dec 21. Skills Section. We are DenmarkRoad365. Appointed as Head Teacher at Pate’s Grammar School in 2012 having joined the school as Deputy Head in 2008. We recognise that our staff are the most important reason for the school’s success and we invest heavily in the professional development of our team. The figures show the totals for the seven groups of Year 6 pupils that left between Summer 2014 and Summer 2020. Destinations of Year 6 Pupils. A massive congratulations to the staff and… The Times best schools list has Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham in top 10 secondary schools in England. Pate’s secured an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted judgement in 2013 and became a Teaching School later that year. The Doughnut houses 5,500 employees; GCHQ is the largest single employer in Gloucestershire. Pate’s was founded in 1547 but it is very much a modern Grammar School, housed in purpose built facilities dating largely from the 1990s. Pate's Grammar School. More. Our school is remarkable. . . Company status. Teenage Girl going to School. The form must be signed and returned in order to join the CCF. The highly selective school has earned its number 2 spot on our list as it has consistently produced top results in the GCSEs. Sixteenth century Pate's Grammar School moved up three places from last year with 95.6 per cent of A-level students getting A* to B grades and 87.5 per cent got in the top tier marks at GCSE level. Mr Peter M Daniell, BA (Head of Upper School) History Mr Rhys M Davies, BSc (KS3 Man., Dir. 1. Employee Portal. TELEPHONE. This School has a 16:1 teacher/student ratio, which is certainly high nationally, and means that means that class sizes are very high. 1 talking about this. Pupils Per Teacher: 15.7. Staff. Since the Duke of Edinburgh's Award was opened to the whole school in September 2015, the number of participants has risen from 90 to over 500. A short promotional video for Pate's Grammar School in Cheltenham Your child can, however, be added to the waiting list for a place once available. INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS - kings college school 11 plus written exam results 2021. If no Star Rating is available, the school will be listed as Not Rated and will appear in geographical order based on the school's proximity to the centre of the search location or postcode. Name of NLE : Russel Ellicott. 01242 522086 Situated in 11 acres on the beautiful outskirts of Cheltenham, The Richard Pate School is an outstanding independent day preparatory school for boys and girls aged 3 to 11 years. Reading English Language and Literature at Christ Church, Oxford, she became an Oxford Union debater and toured the United States as English Speaking Union debating scholar in 1990, during a gap year. 960x350-group-on-mountain. A girl joins a group of boys for a game of rugby at Pates Grammar School in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire UK Cuba, Havana. 10:30. Early January 2022 To find your way around you can search Google Maps for UCLA Graduate Programs, or search UCLA’s interactive map of the campus which identifies building names. I am thrilled to announce that, once again, Pate’s has been awarded The Sunday Times State Secondary School of the Year! School Leadership Team. Its really important that you start to organise your Expedition Groups as soon as possible. Enhance personal and social development. 2012–Present: Russel Ellicott; 2006–2012: Shaun Fenton; 2000–2006: Richard Kemp; 1986–1999: David J. Barnes; Cheltenham Grammar School. Adults with learning difficulties were subjected to sustained sexual abuse by another resident at an HSE-run facility with the full knowledge of staff and management, a report has found. Pate's Grammar School Princess Elizabeth Way CHELTENHAM Gloucestershire GL51 0HG Tel: 01242 538244 School Website Sports Website. Pate’s became a mixed school at the merger of two successful single sex Grammar Schools in 1986. Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 131.0 / 12.6. Staff and Pupils. On behalf of our community I extend a warm welcome to you all, please contact us on 01452 543335 or e-mail us to arrange a visit. Cheltenham Ladies' College is an independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11 to 18 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England.Consistently ranked as one of the top all-girls' schools nationally, the school was established in 1853 to provide "a sound academic education for girls". Please email or telephone on 01242 538248 if you are likely to be late collecting your child. 4002 High School for Girls Gloucester 150 150 331 153 5401 Marling School 150 150 367 209 5403 Pate's Grammar School 150 150 277 198 5400 Ribston Hall High School 120 120 432 158 4001 Sir Thomas Rich's School 150 150 340 181 5402 Stroud High School 150 150 353 189 5404 The Crypt School 150 79 458 78 what the charity does; trustees; finance information, like income and expenditure Pate's Grammar School | 521 followers on LinkedIn. Your group must be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7, ideally you should aim for a group of 6 or 7 in case anyone falls ill or gets injured. There are limited spaces for each date and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis. School Induction Days. The central valley wine country, where the movie Sideways was filmed (director Alexander Payne got his MFA from UCLA Film School), is about two hours north of LA. Bronze | patesgsdofe. You will need to email the logo separately to Only available for Silver and Gold: Local Press: You must send through adverts at least one full week prior to the publication date. Feb 2021 - Present11 months. Staff. Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham. The King's School, Worcester. Sensible behaviour is expected at all times. Support staff Total number This element dynamically updates the page. Pate Elementary School. Please come and see it for yourself. Outdoor survival skills. The school has superb facilities in new buildings on a spacious site. ... Parents, staff and pupils all agree on the school’s qualities and are all equally committed to its success. Meanwhile two Gloucestershire schools came out top in the Sunday Times' South West list, with Pate’s Grammar School in Cheltenham number one in the table as the region’s highest-achieving state secondary school, and Cheltenham Ladies’ College number one in the list of top-performing independent schools. Dobson Pate's Grammar School Secondary school 11 - 18 years. SOCS sport caters for all sports and comes complete with a dedicated sports website to link to your school website.. Information published in your sports website is not an additional overhead but the natural output from the processes needed to manage sports in your school. Pate's Grammar School Rugby Union 1st XV: Pate's Grammar School Princess Elizabeth Way CHELTENHAM Gloucestershire GL51 0HG Tel: 01242 538244 1/6. Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital use of 'Limited' exemption. Year 7 Induction. Meanwhile two Gloucestershire schools came out top in the Sunday Times' South West list, with Pate’s Grammar School in Cheltenham number one in the table as the region’s highest-achieving state secondary school, and Cheltenham Ladies’ College number one in the list of top-performing independent schools. Pate’s is a selective school, and has only 150 places available in Year 7. Sat 27 Nov 21. The age range that the establishment is legally allowed to make provision for. MNSRUU Inverted Umbrella - Double Layer UV Protection Sun Umbrel. Secondary education in England is one of the main pillars of the British economy: a strong school system prepares millions of teenagers for university education every year. A state school for boys and girls aged from 11 to 18. At Gold level you as a group are expected to plan your own route using maps available in OED, referring to OED staff for ideas about the general area and possible camping areas in good time to make all arrangements. Develop a deeper relationship with nature. Primary School. Shooting. Number of full ... Add to Create Pate's Grammar School My schools list. It has about 1220 boys and girls aged between 11 and 18. School staff will be able to sit down with the student, go through their options and answer any queries, with all the required information instantly available in the software. Executive Headteacher: Dr David Moody (since December 2021) Previous Headteacher: Paul Ramsey. Our in house trainers aim to leave your school having helped you unpick the Ofsted inspection framework and given your teaching & administration teams more confidence and reassurance in readiness for when the inspector calls. Queries from parents of pupils in years 7 - 11 and the general public should be directed to the Main School Office (Office Manager Mrs Laura Adams) : Kindergarten.

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pate's grammar school staff list

pate's grammar school staff list