December 18, 2021

kynynmont connemaras for sale

announce that Kynynmont Rio has joined their family. Tack for sale Equestrian Clothing for sale Freecycle Forum Clinics For Sale: Kynynmont Kingsley September 19, 2016 Kingsley is 13.2-hand Connemara mare. BDJ Equestrian sells and consigns horses at all levels. 16h bay gelding. Super H Sporthorses - Posts | Facebook Miles also enters Florentine, Waterman’s nine-year-old Oldenburg gelding, after competing in the Developing Prix St. Georges division in 2016. 2017 USDF Prix St. Georges Open, 1st place 2015 USDF National Dressage Pony Cup 3rd Level Champion 2015 USEF 2nd place Connemara HOTY in Dressage 2014 USEF 2nd place Connemara HOTY in Dressage Kynynmont Connemaras, LLC - Home | Facebook Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon made his Grand Prix debut! 2. 175 River Hill Rd, Safe Harbor, PA 17516 175 River Hill Rd, Conestoga, PA 17516. He is a wonderful representative of the Connemara breed! Purebred Connemara. Each rider/pony COMBINATION must be a current member of the NDPC in order to be eligible for year-end awards and for scores to show in these standings. Kynynmont Connemaras LLC. Jessica Jo Tate (USA), Kynynmont Gunsmoke's Gideon, 2008 Connemara Cross gelding by Gun Smoke x Kynynmont Tara x Greystone McErrill owned by Pamela Liddell: 65.395%, 67.105%, 65.921%, 68.289%, 65.132%, 66.368% 3. Resume Details. Owned by Robyn Hanover, Tux is a treasured member of our team! The Chronicle of the Horse Susanne teaches JJ Tate on Kynynmont Gunsmoke's Gideon, a 3/4 Connemara who has competed through Grand Prix. His owner and breeder Pam Lidell originally sent him to Tate with a handful of other horses. Connemara Dressage Sport Horse. MK EQUESTRIAN : Havarah's Blue Light Special! (717) 872-9728. NDPC :: Year-End Scores One good example is Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, the 3/4 Connemara gelding she trained and competed to third place nationally in the 2015 U.S. Dressage Finals Fourth Level Open Championship at Kentucky Horse Expedia Principal Ux Research Manager Resume Sample ... Kynynmont Aiden O’Sullivan, also known as, Sully, is currently available for sale, please contact us for more details. Kynynmont Connor O'Grady (*Smaragaid Cliff x Kynynmont Moria) once again displayed his athleticism with trainer/rider Emily O'Neill in the dressage ring, showing Third and Fourth Level. His proud owner is Pam Liddell. Kynynmont Connemaras by *Gun Smoke This handsome guy is the whole package - loves hacking out, going to shows and trying new things. Mia Farley & Northern Victory. For more information, please contact Erin at (703) 585-7669. Kingswell Connemaras - Connemara Stallion *Smaragaid … Jessica Jo Tate – Every Horse Can Dance - Sidelines Magazine This is one of the hundreds of Principal UX Research Manager resumes available on our site for free. Video Link This handsome guy is the whole package - loves hacking out, going to shows and trying new things. Kynynmont Connemaras by *Gun Smoke. (born 4/10/08) Kynynmont Cooper O'Grady dun stallion (out of Kynynmont Moira) Bred and owned by Pam Liddell, PA (USA) ACPS Inspected and Approved. 15 years old. Huge thanks to his owner and breeder, Pam Liddell & Kynynmont Connemaras in Pa! Connemara x (been told he has Andalusian in the mix too). Manager - Driver and logistics 08/2005 to 08/2014 Group One Logistics/Sports Associated, Inc – Kansas City, MO Kansas City Driver management; Duties include the sale and negotiation of transportation rates for truckload and partial loads; load planner; routing and dispatching of drivers; driver payroll; scheduling of drivers for contract and show trucks including Yamaha, … Clytie December 1, 2020 Horses for Sale. Kynynmont Aiden O’Sullivan, also known as, Sully, is currently available for sale, please contact us for more details. announce that Kynynmont Rio has joined their family. १ जनाले यसको बारेमा कुरागर्दै छन्. Congrats to all the ponies and their riders! Ciara is by Kynynmont Cooper O’Grady x Kynynmont Tara (3/4 s... ibling to Kynynmont Gunsmoke Gideon, competing successfully at the Grand Prix level with JJ Tate). Indy is half Connemara and half TB/Selle Francais/Canadian Hunter. Jessica Jo Tate (USA) and Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, the 2008 Connemara Cross gelding (by Gun Smoke out of Kynynmont Tara, by Greystone McErrill) owned by Pam Liddell, claimed third in both CDI competitions, scoring 66.261% in the Grand Prix and 71.150% in the Grand Prix Freestyle. Sport Pony -. By Jessica Jo Tate with Annie Morris. Our horses range from green to a Young Rider 2* ready horse. . Theory VIDEO with Susanne von Dietze: The Dressage Rider's Seat, Demo Ride Thank you Pam for breeding him and trusting me with his training and care! Our horses range from green to a Young Rider 2* ready horse. This is one of the hundreds of Principal UX Research Manager resumes available on our site for free. BDJ Equestrian sells and consigns horses at all levels. $50,000 USD. Photo Pat Ashworth. SOLD - Kynynmont Aiden O'Sullivan. Molly is calling it her "Blue Light Special". Lovely registered Connemara with showjumping potential. Peanut has been long reined and lightly backed and has now been turned out due to him being a July foal. All siblings are top showjumping ponies. By Kynynmont Dublin (sire) by Greystone Ian McVai (grandsire) Out of Greystone Irish Rose (dam) Qualities. Sire: Kynynmont Cooper O'grady (currently showing I-1 and schooling some GP movements) Dam: Rachael … Kynynmont Gunsmoke's Gideon 2008, 15.3h gelding (*Gun Smoke x Kynynmont Tara), was the 2014 ACPS HALFBRED CONNEMARA OF THE YEAR! Currently showing and schooling 4th level with the ability to do more. No vices, good for vet and farrier. She's offering a $1,000 discount on every sale horse we at Havarah have offered for sale. Connemaras competed across all levels of competition and earned some great finishes. Manager - Driver and logistics 08/2005 to 08/2014 Group One Logistics/Sports Associated, Inc – Kansas City, MO Kansas City Driver management; Duties include the sale and negotiation of transportation rates for truckload and partial loads; load planner; routing and dispatching of drivers; driver payroll; scheduling of drivers for contract and show trucks including Yamaha, … Scroll down to see photos of some of the action in the Intermediaire I. Belinda Trussell and Carlucci. 3rd: Training Jackpot Division. Kynynmont Gunsmoke's Gideon 2008, 15.3h gelding (*Gun Smoke x Kynynmont Tara), was the 2014 ACPS HALFBRED CONNEMARA OF THE YEAR! Photos to come . Kynynmont Connor O'Grady. September 19, 2016. Kynynmont Aiden O’Sullivan, also known as, Sully, is currently available for sale, please contact us for more details. In this video—during the last ride on Day 1 of the clinic—Susanne works with JJ and Gideon, a 2008 … Glendale Farm. Rio is a 2004 gelding standing 16.1H. So stay tuned or just come see them! 15 years old. If you are a smaller rider or not even that small like me, consider this remarkable breed & Kynynmont who breeds these athletes! Sport Pony -. Yup. I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions — probably because I don’t keep them. Kynynmont Connor O'Grady. This is a post from Karen Laden, whose Smargaid Cliff, is the sire of our 4-year-old stallion, Kynynmont Connor O'Grady. This advert is located in and around. By Lauren R. Giannini Jessica Jo (JJ) Tate believes in Classical Dressage and how it benefits all horses, whatever the sport or discipline. One good example is Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, the 3/4 Connemara gelding she trained and competed to third place nationally in the 2015 U.S. Dressage Finals Fourth Level Open Championship at Kentucky Horse This beautiful one-month-old purebred Connemara filly's breeder/owner is Fonda Eigel of Riverfront Farm, Kentucky. Photos courtesy of Fonda. Perfect to teach your kid the ropes in any discipline. For Sale: Kynynmont Kingsley. Kynynmont Connor O'Grady. Kynynmont Aliza Pedigree. $50,000 USD. Residents at 757 River Hill Rd, Safe Harbor PA: Stacy L Huber (717) 872-1566, Maureen C Staub (717) 872-1566. Ciara has a brilliant walk as well as a scopey trot and canter! Gail Kopp & Kynynmont Kerrianna: 51st Nationally AA Third Level, Reserve Champion AA Third Level American Connemara Pony Society, USDF Master’s Challenge at 3rd, 4th, and FEI, ESDCTA Gold Medal; Jennifer Miranda & Mudzima: 42nd Nationally AA Fourth Level, Champion AA Fourth Level Performance Horse Registry, ESDCTA Open/AA Fourth Level 4th Place She's offering a $1,000 discount on every sale horse we at Havarah have offered for sale. . Kynynmont Skyler, 2015, 15.1hh, Gelding. Amazing Kynynmont for sale!! Kynynmont Connor O'Grady (*Smaragaid Cliff x Kynynmont Moria) once again displayed his athleticism with trainer/rider Emily O'Neill in the dressage ring, showing Third and Fourth Level. His proud owner is Pam Liddell. Congratulations to team Connor on another excellent year! ACPS Award of Excellence Dressage earned in one year! Kynynmont Connor O'Grady. In this series, physiotherapist, trainer, author of Balance in Movement and long-time Dressage Today contributor Susanne von Dietze demonstrates and teaches the benefits of a balanced seat at Grand Prix trainer Jessica Jo "JJ" Tate’s farm in Landrum, South Carolina.. "Tux" is a lovely mover, talented jumper and polite as the day is long. Connemaras are such an awesome breed! Jessica Jo Tate (Wellington, Fla.) is back with Pamela Liddell’s nine-year-old gelding Half … More Information. Kynynmont Black Tuxedo is a talented Connemara/Selle Francais cross who comes to True North with solid miles at Training level eventing. Neighbors, Property Information, Public and Historical records. Owned for 6 years but sadly I do not have the time he deserves due to work and studies. Industry: Owned by Robyn Hanover, Tux is a treasured member of our team! Weitere Ideen zu pferde, connemara pony, connemara. 1318 Old Charles Town Road Berryville, VA 22611 540.955.1995 Pictures and information coming soon! He’s 3/4 Connemara and just one of the most fun and talented horses I have on my string! Pony Division. No category 1 Warmblood TAURUS Gelding 236 AUS41208 2002 Aries Jessica Jo (JJ) Tate believes in Classical Dressage and how it benefits all horses, whatever the sport or discipline. Degree of difficulty points have been added to each score before averaging. This is not a riding position, however ability to tack walk and trail ride horses is a plus. This is the report from Connor's latest show. Resume Details. All of our horses are carefully produced for jumping disciplines. This past weekend’s Ocala Winter I HT at the Florida Horse Park showcased lots of talented Connemaras! Photo courtesy of Emily. Congratulations to owner/breeder Pam Liddell of Conestoga, PA. Garnder Cook and Piedmont Herman (Nov 2014) Shade's first show: CDCTA Schooling Show 9/20/14, ridden by Melissa McKenzie Training Test 1 (68.0%) - 1st place . This horse started his eventing career in Aiken 2011. Connemaras are such an awesome breed! Oct 1, 2016 - 7:14 AM. About Selcouth North America's Leading Auctions for Show Horses & Ponies • Prospects • Breedin For Sale: Kynynmont Kingsley. Photo by Lindsay Berreth. JJ Tate rode Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, a 7-year-old Connemara Pony gelding by Gunsmoke, owned by Pam Liddell. Jessica Jo Tate has ridden plenty of big-moving, fancy warmbloods over her career, but two years ago she was offered a fun new challenge when Connemara breeder Pam Liddell asked her to take the ride on her homebred Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon. In the Intermediaire A CDI, Jessica Jo Tate and the Connemara cross Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon smoked the competition, taking home blue on 65.61 percent. Kynynmont Aiden O’Sullivan, also known as, Sully, is currently available for sale, please contact us for more details. Handsome 15.3hh Connie X for sale £4500. She has it all – a great mover, jumper, trail ride pony, and as sweet as they come. *Smaragaid Cliff x Four Loch's Perfect Storm, both inspected ACPS Premium. Great feet- sound and barefoot! More photos to come! Free and open company data on Pennsylvania (US) company Kynynmont Connemaras LLC (company number 3687639), 175 River Hill Road Conestoga PA 17516 Lancaster By Lauren R. Giannini Jessica Jo (JJ) Tate believes in Classical Dressage and how it benefits all horses, whatever the sport or discipline. West Chester, PA. 2021 NDPC Year-End Award Standings. This is a very special young horse with a bright future! Gideon (Gun Smoke— Kynynmont Tara, Greystone McErill) has been in Tate’s string for four years. Connemaras For Sale Why Connemaras *Glenormiston Rossleague Cliff's Progeny: Kynynmont Bay Filly and Bella Noche 2016 Kynynmont Aliza *Smaragaid Cliff x Kynynmont Moira Bred by Pam Liddell ACPS Inspected and Approved. This is the fourth exceptional foal of this breeding. Apr 22, 2019. Erin Brooke Freedman and EBF Sport Horses relocated to the beautiful Kynynmont Connemaras in the fall of 2015. Learn how to use your "absorbing joints" to better follow your horse's motion. This is a real resume for a Principal UX Research Manager in Edmonds, Washington with experience working for such companies as Expedia, Inc, 3t Interactive. He’s 3/4 Connemara and just one of the most fun and talented horses I have on my string! This is the second foal of this match. Perfect to teach your kid the ropes in any discipline. Here she is running her business with a focus on training, competing, and selling these amazing Connemara’s while also teaching, training and continuing to compete her eventing mare Viola. Gail Kopp & Kynynmont Kerrianna: 51st Nationally AA Third Level, Reserve Champion AA Third Level American Connemara Pony Society, USDF Master’s Challenge at 3rd, 4th, and FEI, ESDCTA Gold Medal Jennifer Miranda & Mudzima: 42nd Nationally AA Fourth Level, Champion AA Fourth Level Performance Horse Registry, ESDCTA Open/AA Fourth Level 4th Place 2014 Kynynmont Erin Margret*Smaragaid Cliff x Kynynmont MoiraBuckskin FillyBred by Pam Liddell. Posted on September 19, 2016 December 12, 2016 by ebfsporthorses. He has had a successful eventing career with numerous Training Level outings and he completed several Preliminary Level events. 5 Exercises for Rider Suppleness with Jessica Jo Tate. Read More. Congratulations to owner/breeder Pam Liddell of Conestoga, PA below already on z-arch2014_12 Bred by Pam Liddell, Conestoga, PA (born 2008) Kynynmont Caleigh [M5918 XLVII] purebred mare out of Greystone Anne Laurella (born 2008) Kynynmont Brody purebred colt out of Kynynmont Haley (by Willem O'Toole) (born 2008) Kynynmont Cooper O'Grady purebred stallion out of Kynynmont Moira [M2162 XLII] (born … 1318 Old Charles Town Road Berryville, VA 22611 540.955.1995 Tate, being 5’10”, didn’t expect to ride the 15.2 ½-hand Gideon, but once she did she fell in love, and the two have been a powerful duo ever since. One good example is Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, the 3/4 Connemara gelding she trained and competed to third place nationally in the 2015 U.S. Dressage Finals Fourth Level Open Championship at Kentucky Horse Park in November. He has a very sweet disposition and an "in your pocket" kind of guy. As a Young Rider, Tate competed on three NAJYRC teams, earning a team silver medal. Maggie's Pedigree. Kynynmont Ciara - 2014 15.2 + hand (will finish to approx 15.3) mare. Ideal candidate has experience handling stallions and young horses and is comfortable doing so. Print ShareThis. Lovely mover with a great work ethic! This is a real resume for a Principal UX Research Manager in Edmonds, Washington with experience working for such companies as Expedia, Inc, 3t Interactive. For more information, please contact Erin at (703) 585-7669. Huge thanks to his owner and breeder, Pam Liddell & Kynynmont Connemaras in Pa! He is 3/4 Connemara,10 years old & sure looks bigger than his 15’2 hands! Jessica Jo Tate (USA), Kynynmont Gunsmoke's Gideon, 2008 Connemara Cross gelding by Gun Smoke x Kynynmont Tara x Greystone McErrill owned by Pamela Liddell: 65.395%, 67.105%, 65.921%, 68.289%, 65.132%, 66.368% 3. Jessica Jo Tate (USA) and Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, the 2008 Connemara Cross gelding (by Gun Smoke out of Kynynmont Tara, by Greystone McErrill) owned by Pam Liddell, claimed third in both CDI competitions, scoring 66.261% in the Grand Prix and 71.150% in the Grand Prix Freestyle. Read about the pair, who competed in the CDI last year at Devon. Congratulations to team Connor on another excellent year! Kynynmont Connemaras (Lancaster, PA) is currently hiring a groom. Phone. Rio’s sire was Kynynmont Dublin, who was approximately 7/8 Connemara, and his dam was a TB/Clydesdale cross. Currently showing and schooling 4th level with the ability to do more. 15 years old. "Tux" is a lovely mover, talented jumper and polite as the day is long. Ocala Winter I HT Results. Jessica Jo Tate (Wellington, Fla.) is back with Pamela Liddell’s nine-year-old gelding Half … Par, Cornwall. Patricia Becker (Wadsworth, Ill.) and Freedom, Dr. Anne Ramsay’s 10-year-old Oldenburg stallion, currently lead the Developing Horse Grand Prix division ranks, while Jessica Jo Tate (Wellington, Fla.) will ride the only Half-Connemara in the Young Horse competition, the nine-year-old gelding Kynynmont Gunsmoke’s Gideon, owned by Pamela Liddell. She has it all – a great mover, jumper, trail ride pony, and as sweet as they come. 15.3hh 14 year old Bay gelding for sale. 28.04.2019 - Erkunde Helga Schulzs Pinnwand „Connemara Pony“ auf Pinterest. Senior Proposal Manager, Global Sales Operations, 04/2009 to Present Caradigm - a Microsoft and GE Healthcare Joint Venture – Bellevue, WA. Connemara Dressage Sport Horse. By Jan Westmark It’s 2016, which for many people means it’s time to make their New Year’s resolutions. Rio is a 2004 gelding standing 16.1H. He was awarded 2017 USEF Purebred Connemara Dressage HOTY, 3rd place out of 48. Selcouth also has a limited selection of quality sport horses for sale. Before leaving the Kentucky Horse Park, Kynynmont Connemaras would claim a final championship as Kaitlin Blythe and Pam Liddell’s buckskin stallion Kynynmont Cooper O’Grady cruised to an easy victory in the Third Level Open division with 70.834%, and also won the American Connemara Pony Society breed award. OFFICIAL FINAL RANKINGS. SOLD - Kynynmont Aiden O'Sullivan. Read More. Miles also enters Florentine, Waterman’s nine-year-old Oldenburg gelding, after competing in the Developing Prix St. Georges division in 2016. Dressage. 2. Direct and coordinate activities concerned with the marketing, pricing, and sales of healthcare IT software solutions. He would be suitable for an AA or JR/YR. Pictures and information coming soon! Residents at 757 River Hill Rd, Safe Harbor PA: Stacy L Huber (717) 872-1566, Maureen C Staub (717) 872-1566. It was nice to get off the farm for the first schooling show of the season last weekend. Kingsley is 13.2-hand Connemara mare. Glendale Farm. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. This horse is one in a million and I’m so honored I get to be his trainer! News. We have a few new Kynymont Connemara's who are fresh off the trailer. Rio’s sire was Kynynmont Dublin, who was approximately 7/8 Connemara, and his dam was a TB/Clydesdale cross. Neighbors, Property Information, Public and Historical records. Only scores earned at USEF/USDF-Licensed Competitions can count towards Year-End Awards. Our lovely April 2021 filly out of our Cremello part bred Connemara mare will potentially be available for sale on weaning. Smokey black tobiano Expected to easily make in excess of 15hh Bold temperament,... So stay tuned or just come see them! Clytie December 1, 2020 Horses for Sale. Thank you, Emily, for the beautiful photos of Connor. Resident Name. Kynynmont Black Tuxedo is a talented Connemara/Selle Francais cross who comes to True North with solid miles at Training level eventing. USDF All-Breeds Dressage Champion, USEF HOTY Dressage, Hunter and Champion Purebred Connemara Mare. Kingsley is 13.2-hand Connemara mare. Kynynmont Connemaras breeds and sells Connemara ponies and Connemara-cross horses for dressage and eventing. If you are a smaller rider or not even that small like me, consider this remarkable breed & Kynynmont who breeds these athletes! As a Young Rider, Tate competed on three NAJYRC teams, earning a team silver medal. All scores earned at USEF/USDF-Licensed Competitions during the NDPC awards year from November 1st, 2020 through October 31st, 2021 are factored into overall average. Molly is calling it her "Blue Light Special". Yup. Congratulations to Cliff's purebred stallion son, Kynynmont Connor O'Grady! He would be suitable for an AA or JR/YR. . BDJ Equestrian sells and consigns horses at all levels. By summer he … Congratulations to Connor's breeder/owner Pam Liddell and his terrific trainer Emily O'Neill of Peace by Piece Farm! 2013 Cobblestone Sandpiper. We have a few new Kynymont Connemara's who are fresh off the trailer. He has had a successful eventing career with numerous Training Level outings and he completed several Preliminary Level events. Peace by Piece Farm Connemaras - horses & Ponies • Prospects • Breedin for sale | Preloved < >... Smaragaid Cliff x Four Loch 's perfect Storm, both inspected ACPS Premium to teach your kid the in... A riding position, however ability to do more hiring a groom x for sale, contact! ) is currently hiring a groom part bred Connemara mare will potentially be available sale. Is 3/4 Connemara,10 years old & sure looks bigger than his 15 ’ 2 hands to use ``. About Selcouth North America 's Leading Auctions for show horses & Ponies, for,... 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Our lovely April 2021 filly out of 48 – every horse Can Dance - Sidelines Magazine < >!: // '' > EBF Sport horses < /a > Resume details new things Kynynmont rio joined! Brilliant walk as well as a scopey trot and canter indy is half Connemara and half TB/Selle Hunter!

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kynynmont connemaras for sale

kynynmont connemaras for sale