December 18, 2021

how to sand high spots on subfloor

Help! After uninstalling the laminate, for the third time, it was time to get to work leveling the floor out so that the boards would install as they were designed to. Fix High and Low Spots in Subfloor - Easy - Renovate How to Remove Pet Urine from Subfloor: Step-by-Step Guide ... Good luck with your project, sounds like it'll be nice when it's finished. If you are installing vinyl planks over a concrete subfloor, you first need to level or sand any deformities. Removing high spot in concrete - DIY Home Improvement Forum Durastrand pointSIX. Then they grind the spots down using a walk-behind heavy-duty grinder that . How to Level a Floor - The Home Depot Easier to sand down a high spot than fill in all the places lower than it. Once I went through that task, I never missed a high spot again. If the forms are level, you should be able to get the concrete level within 1/16 of an inch this . Removing high spots on a concrete ... - Concrete Construction This will cause some humps in the final sub floor itself and should be corrected to insure you don't have a see-saw effect in your home. 3. Most flooring manufacturers allow a slight variance for their product, so you may not need to do much work to get the floors ready. Sanding seams is necessary on most jobs due to the tendency of OSB to swell at the edges (coincidentally known as edge-swell) when exposed to rain, snow, or construction-related moisture introduced during the construction process (which also reiterates the need to check the moisture of the subfloor before installation). Sub floor prep - I have high spots : Yikes I Have Problems! Check your subfloor to make sure it is level. ft.) except it dipped in some places as much as 2.5"! Prep your subfloor so that it is clean, dry and level within 3/16-inch change per 10 feet. Use a wet-vacuum to clear up dust and debris and use a level to be sure all the low spots are gone. We considered it… but we just weren't going to do that. How to Level an Uneven Subfloor - The Spruce I had very good success using a method similar to your thought on placing shims over the joists except that I laid down a second subfloor over the shims and drove 6" ringshank spikes through the whole thing, then laid down hardwood over it. This is best done with a flooring sander. is a premium T&G sub-floor that is engineered for strength, durability and overall performance. Sand down high spots with the sander. Leveling high spots in concrete or wood subfloor How to Fix an Uneven Subfloor | DIY Home Improvement You can rent a concrete grinder for $150 to $200 per day. Sometimes I am doing a plywood subfloor leveling with a wood edger. Professional sanding machine with Variable Speed motor and integrated dust extraction especially designed for prefinished parquets. Repairing undulations: Sand high spots and use a skim coat floor compound for low spots, surface prep product, like Henry's 547 Unipro universal patch and skim coat. Repeat until all of the floor is gone. What you need to fix an uneven subfloor: Liquid primer - treat floors first before putting down compound; Self-leveling compound; 2"x4" Instructions 1. PDF Flexible Lvt/Lvp Unidrop Installation Care and Maintenance Follow the instructions on the compound and then let it dry for at least 20 minutes. Check your wood flooring manufacturer's recommendations and sand any high spots with a concrete grinder. Particleboard is a composite wood that is used to construct furniture, door cores, floors and cabinets. Step 1: Determine and mark high and low spots across the floor. Any voids under a hardwood floor are also likely to create squeaks you don't want to hear. Use leveling compound in areas where the dip in the old flooring or subflooring is 1/4 inch or more. The high spots should be cut down with an electric planer, setting nails first with a quarter inch punch and hammer so the blades don't get chipped or an edger with coarse sand paper. The issue is that it takes forever in that it dulls the 80 grit sandpaper in no time, dulled my grinder too, and the blade on my electric planer now needs replacing. You can use a wire brush to clean them out. If there are many high spots, or if they are extremely bad, consider renting an orbital sander. If significant wood material need be removed, a $70 electric planer will chew it up like nobody's business. Prep your subfloor so that it is clean, dry and level within 3/16-inch change per 10 feet. You would have to very thoroughly saturate a large area to address the issue in the subfloor. Also look for high spots, especially at seams. Sand from one end of the room to the other, pushing the sander along in a straight line and reversing your direction each time you reach the opposite wall. Now it's flat and ready for your underlayment. Do not sand vinyl flooring - it may contain asbestos. Once it's dry, scrape any ridges and sand away any high spots with a pole sander (Photo 9) fitted with 100-grit sandpaper. Leave 1/4-inch gaps between all sheets. Feather the filler perfectly smooth with the underlayment. The holes have to be very clean. I purchased 1500 sq feet of Provenza LVP in sweet talker which was supposed to be installed this past Monday. Use a self-leveler on low spots and / or sand high spots of wood or concrete. I found a high spot on the 3/4" t&g subfloor. Screw the wood shims into place on top of the joists with a drill and screws to bring the low spots up to the same height as the high spots for an even installation area for the subfloor material. Depending on the situation, you can either sand down areas of the subfloor that are too high, or install shims beneath the subfloor so that the entire floor is brought up to the same level. Is there a quick, low-cost way to do this? Alternately, use a magnet to locate screws, then dig them out with a cold chisel and hammer, then unscrew the cement board from the plywood. 01-29-2013, 06:20 AM. If it's a high joist, remove the subflooring just where the joist is high. Dry Fill in low spots with cementitious leveling compound. Some people advise it, but it's a fool's errand. … Plane down slight high points of joists with the planer. 1. When leveling floors made of wood, you'll need to sand down any high spots. Use a self-leveler on low spots and / or sand high spots of wood or concrete. Sand high spots to eliminate the possibility of telegraphing. - If the high spots are large or there are a lot of them, you might want to rent a random orbital floor sander. All high spots that don't meet a 1/4-inch-in-10-foot tolerance have to be removed. If not level, sand down high spots and fill low spots with a Portland Based leveling patch. ®. If a 4-ft. straightedge shows a 1/8-in. Place it at the highest spot in the floor and slowly swing it around in a 360 degree circle. If the floor is exposed to rain and or humidity, the tapered . Back to addressing the high spot. Grinding Down High Spots. ft.) except it dipped in some places as much as 2.5"! 3HP Variable Speed Motor very noiseless and powerful. Use medium-grit sandpaper to smooth the area, cleaning thoroughly when you're done. When they replaced the subfloor they didn't have it level and . Prime floor if needed with IVC FLEX-PRIMA Acrylic Latex Primer to prevent over absorption of adhesives, dust containment, and to ensure a better bond of the adhesive to the subfloor. It is possible to grind high spots on concrete if there are only a few humps. Tim, I had a similar problem in my house with the entire first floor,(approx. In some cases, it is necessary (or at least beneficial) to address an uneven subfloor issue at the joist level. My questions is, can I sand down a high spot in the OSB subfloor and not expect issues with adhering the ditra? Lowering high spots: To lower high spots in the subfloor you will have to remove the subfloor and then using a plane or use a belt sander to remove some of the wood from the floor joists. The easiest way to find out if your floor is out-of-plane is to use the time-honored marble method. Use a trowel to level the compound as much as possible while it is still wet and pliable. Use a self-leveler on low spots and / or sand high spots of wood or concrete. Use a self-leveler on low spots and / or sand high spots of wood or concrete. Leave 1/4-inch gaps between all sheets. If you have alot of high spots I would suggest grinding them. Since the cause of most squeaks is a loose subfloor rubbing up and down against nails, drive wood screws into the joists below to tighten up the subfloor. Floor Sanding Machine AVANTIME SANDER Ideal for prefinished parquet. Instructions Remove the baseboards. For concrete slabs: If there are only a few problem areas in the concrete, you can mechanically flatten them by grinding, bead-blasting, abrading, or using . If you have a drum sander on hand, this can level out any bumps in the subfloor, but you need to have a steady hand to control this. If the subfloor is unlevel, you can fix low spots with a self-leveling product and sand or grind down high spots. The most basic method is to take a piece of tar paper, fold it. How to Level a Wood Floor Sub-Floor. 525 views Eric Elford A high joist is a different conundrum. Long Straightedge Many contractors use a 6-foot level or accurate straightedge to help them locate high and low spots in a subfloor. Make sure to maintain 1/4-inch gaps between the sheets. Fill any low spots with a cementitious leveling compound following the manufacturer's directions and allow it to dry before proceeding. 3. One great tool that works well to remove minor high spots is the use of a flooring edger. Flattening wood subfloor question. Look for areas where the level doesn't lay flat to identify high and low spots. I use an edger to sand out smaller ridges in the sub-floor. Advertisement Step 2 Look at the joist. Use a trowel to level the compound as much as possible while it is still wet and pliable. • Any unevenness of more than 3/16 inch over a 10-foot span (5 mm over a length of 3 m) must be leveled . 1) Sanding high spots on a wooden floor is crazy. Sand the entire floor. A wood subfloor is easy to level by either sanding off the high spots or adding compounds designed to build up the low spots. Use leveling compound in areas where the dip in the old flooring or subflooring is 1/4 inch or more. Prep your subfloor so that it is clean, dry and level within 3/16-inch change per 10 feet. It depends on how high the high spot is. Plane or sand high spots using a wood planer or hand sander. Lowell Brakey, a Kansas concrete contractor, has developed a slick way of doing this. Depending on the situation, you can either sand down areas of the subfloor that are too high, or install shims beneath the subfloor so that the entire floor is brought up to the same level. Thoroughly vacuum the existing floor, and use a long floor leveler and tape measure to ensure the subfloor is level within 3/16 inch for every 10 feet. Do not sand vinyl flooring - it may contain asbestos. Most flooring manufactures recommend no more than 3/16" difference in 4' so if yours is worse than that you could sand or plane that hump down a little but you will have to either remove or set all of the nails deeper so you do not hit them. What we found is that one technique is to pull up the subfloor and shave down the top of the joist. Next, combine either one part vinegar with one part water or 1 part bleach with 3 parts water in the bucket. Plane down the joist and replace (put back) the subflooring. Concrete subfloors must be fully cured, at least 60 days old, and should have minimum 6-mil polyfilm between concrete and ground. Professional Wooden. Fixing a low joist is pretty straight forward: jack it up and sister join another joist to the original one. The OSB subfloor needs to be 3/4" thick, 5/8" OSB won't cut it without adding on a layer of plywood underlayment. The price includes: • KIT DUST CONTROL it allows to work "dust . If you find any low spots, smooth them over using a floor patching compound. The low spots will be readily visible under the straightedge. Steps for Leveling a Subfloor. The wood is made from sawdust or wood chips and glue. Only use small amounts at a time to prevent quick drying before it is level. A combination of grinding, sanding, and using a self leveling material will get your floor level for proper installation. Step 4: Level your floor by filling low spots with patching compound and a putty knife. Dips or depressions in a subfloor are immediately identified using the six-foot long straightedge. #5 Not Using Underlayment. Underlayment is a thin layer of foam that absorbs any small deviations in the subfloor below. Once the compound is dry, make another sweep with your electric sander to shave down slight differences in the height of the subfloor and even out rough patches. In our case, this occurred in a particularly uneven spot near our In my previous videos you can find some tips on how to level a plywood subfloor with grin. Gord . Make sure you follow manufacturer's instruction, and perform a moisture test after it has dried, to prevent cupping with your hardwood flooring. Paper Shims and Plywood Strips Minor high spots for hardwood and laminate floor installations are easily fixed with tar paper shims. It gives information on the subfloor situation covered in this article, and the steps required to level a subfloor without taking up the existing subflooring material. Note: You can also use a belt sander and/or a floor sander to remove high areas by sanding the subfloor itself. If grinding a few spots eliminates having to spend the money and time to use a floor leveling compound, then it should pay for itself, at least in time saved. As it dries, sand down any high spots to make them flush with the rest of the subfloor. After hemming and hawing for an hour, the . On the last row of plywood, rip-cut the sheets to fit the remaining gap, leaving a 1/4-inch gap around the wall. Steps to Clean the Subflooring: Start by thoroughly vacuuming or sweeping the particle board to remove any loose dust and dirt. Preparation: Ensure the subfloor is clear, clean, and free of debris, with plenty of space to work. Measure the height difference at the other end of the level (the end with the gap between the subfloor and the level). Before you lay any type of flooring, the subfloor should be flat, and if it's plywood, one way to flatten it is to sand it. The low spots can be marked for filling using the straight-edge after this step. Step 3 Shave down the higher joist. You want the joist at the same height as the other ones. If it was moisture leak that warped the sub floor, then you can cut out an area of subfloor and replace that portion with new sub floor. Also, you should check for subfloor deformities with a level or straight pipe. 1h. Let it dry overnight or as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. - If you are using nails or staples to secure your flooring, do not use the leveling compound—it will crack. I have some high spots on my OSB subfloor that after moving my 6ft level around I see it would be far better to remove or reduce the high spot rather then to put in a filler around it. The joist underneath the hump may appear thicker than the joist on either side of it because of moisture. Leveling subfloor for LVP install. Because laminate flooring is so thin it offer no structural integrity and bends and flexes easily. Tim, I had a similar problem in my house with the entire first floor,(approx. High Spots: Use a sander to deal with high spots. Cut out and replace any damaged subfloor. Deflection is measured using your 6' level and laying it (centered on the high spot) and holding one END of the level to the subfloor. Once dry, sand it down with sandpaper and sweep again. Note any low or high spots. Fill the seams and depressions with a Portland cement-based floor leveler. Then moisten the floor with water. Subfloor should be flat and level within 3/16" per 10' radius. Repairing undulations: Sand high spots and use a skim coat floor compound for low spots, surface prep product, like Henry's 547 Unipro universal patch and skim coat. 1200sq. Do not sand vinyl flooring - it may contain asbestos. High temperatures, humidity, and steam cleaning can all cause a deep-set stain to show itself even after the surface covering has been treated. Grinding concrete down to level is about the least efficient method of leveling concrete, the best way is to place forms at the correct elevation, then screed with a screed board, which can be a 2x4 (make sure it is dead straight), or a steel angle. If you have any high spots in your subfloor, sand them down using a belt sander. or bigger rise, belt-sand it off with a coarse grit. Now, use the circular saw to cut along the next joist, so you can lift out another strip of plywood/cement board/ self leveling. A grinder can be used to sand down bumps in dried compound. Use builder's felt or shingles stapled to the floor to fill small low spots if you don't want to wait for leveling compound to dry. floorguy 12 years ago It was in the Kahrs original, floating wood flooring instructions, to use sand as a low spot filler, under the underlyment. Remove the baseboards. How much are you going . It means you have to sand down high spots in the concrete or fill in low spots with a self-leveling compound. Re: how best to level subfloor hump. In many cases this is logistically easier than . Sand or Level Any Deformities. Otherwise, the smells and potential spots will resurface over time. Most wood subfloors are constructed from plywood or particle board. Do not sand vinyl flooring - it may contain asbestos. Use a circular saw to remove the subfloor to expose the high joist. The floor feels solid otherwise. Only use small amounts at a time to prevent quick drying before it is level.

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how to sand high spots on subfloor

how to sand high spots on subfloor