December 18, 2021
baby monkey abuse videos
CLOSE. Shows. Among numerous videos available on the site this evening, one called "Tortured Primates" showed a monkey being electrocuted to death. One had lost a foot. Video. The video is titled "Chew Toy" so that kinda gives you an idea of what the content is. Video - Monkey in the Mirror {{ video="LS_080829_DrKaur" title="Among the Chimps" caption="Taranjit Kaur is trying to learn why chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains National Park in Tanzania are dying. Baby monkey shakes with fear as he's snatched from parents to be used in British lab An animal welfare charity is calling on the Government to act after the heartbreaking video shows a baby monkey . A pregnant monkey experienced a difficult labor, but the experimenter refused to allow the attending veterinarian to perform a Caesarean section to save the baby. "These traumatised infants, w. It may seem harmless to keep an "orphaned" baby monkey as a pet in diapers and baby clothes, bottle feeding it as an eternal, cherished toddler. A monkey who was cruelly tortured including being fed cocaine and flushed down a toilet has found love in an animal sanctuary and is now living a life of luxury. This sadistic video is entitled "Teasing a baby monkey," and the person who posted this baby monkey abuse wrote, "Some of my customers were having [a] fun time with the baby monkey that was newly confiscated from its mother." Some viewers clearly enjoyed the torture and called for the innocent monkey to be abused further. Please tap on image to play the video. She can be seen choking the monkey, pinning the monkey's head down and tugging on the leash strongly to prevent the monkey from moving which caused her to receive a huge amount of backlash. Thinking about acquiring a monkey to keep as an adorable pet? The disturbing trend of monkey abuse is still ongoing. This Week. . Another sickening clip was entitled "Terrified infant monkeys, ripped from their mothers' arms" and showed an incredibly distressed baby primate being abused. Or, it may seem harmless to watch the seeming less endless dramatics of reality-TV-like monkey shows. Baby "Dancing Monkey" Endures Unbearable Torture To Entertain Humans. I really don't know what to say about this ladies actions. Some time ago I stumbled upon some disturbing videos of small monkeys been subjected to all kinds of abuse. Her left arm, left leg and jaw had all been broken. These are not my monkeys. A Cycle of Suffering PETA has obtained documents, hundreds of photographs, and more than 500 hours of never-before-seen high-definition videos taken inside this NIH facility, detailing the ongoing psychological abuse of baby monkeys in disgustingly cruel and archaic experiments that have been funded by more than $30 million just in the past seven years. . An anonymous source shared videos and screenshots of chats from group members, who claim to have paid for macaques, including baby monkeys, to be abused, tortured, and killed. Almond was a long-tailed macaque monkey, and a baby at that. Baby-Monkey Abuse Funded by Your Tax Dollars If the emotional abuse of baby monkeys is similar enough to the abuse of baby humans for the results to be extrapolated, how can it be OK? The torment includes: cutting off a monkey's ear using scissors; physically beating a monkey into submission; throwing a monkey into a water and mud filled hole Police have found 800 videos of her torture in her parents', Ahn and Jang, possession. This sadistic video is entitled "Teasing a baby monkey," and the person who posted this baby monkey abuse wrote, "Some of my customers were having [a] fun time with the baby monkey that was newly confiscated from its mother." Some viewers clearly enjoyed the torture and called for the innocent monkey to be abused further. 1) Baby monkey was born with mental disability or was premature and developmentally stunted. Another sickening clip was entitled "Terrified infant monkeys, ripped from their mothers' arms" and showed an incredibly distressed baby primate being abused. Another sickening clip was entitled "Terrified infant monkeys, ripped from their mothers' arms" and showed an incredibly distressed baby primate being abused. NIH Baby Monkey Abuse Share Tweet Donate Videos filmed by NIH staff show sadistic experiments carried out on baby monkeys, wasting more than $30 million in taxpayer money. A YOUNG MONKEY THAT HAS NO DOUBT BEEN ABUSED AND IS AFRAID OF THE VIDEO OPERATOR. I complained to youtube and they banned me. . 92Q Jams Featured Video. Milly the marmoset was subjected to awful treatment by owner Vikki Holland over five months between September 2019 and January 2020. One of the men has been identified as Mian Ahmed. Meanwhile a third called "Monkeys Abused . Among numerous videos available on the site this evening, one called "Tortured Primates" showed a monkey being electrocuted to death. She should be treated the same way for a unlimited amount of days. PETA has obtained documents, hundreds of photographs, and more than 500 hours of never-before-seen high-definition videos taken inside this NIH facility, detailing the ongoing psychological abuse of baby monkeys in disgustingly cruel and archaic experiments that have been funded by more than $30 million just in the past seven years. I got sick to my stomach REALLY! I discovered quickly that there is a community of people posting videos of little baby monkeys being abused and tortured in many different ways. 92Q Jams Featured Video. She should be treated the same way for a unlimited amount of days. Published on 12/14/2016 at 2:38 PM. On YouTube, monkeys in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam are . It involves a seemingly arbitrary group of people who have this intense hatred for baby monkeys -- macaques to be exact. The abusive clips show terrified monkeys dressed in nappies and baby clothes while . The videos are disturbing. Baby monkeys are adorable it's undeniable that baby monkeys make most of us smile. 20/20. The videos show the girl joking around and playing with the monkey in ways some might feel are a bit harsh. Youtube channel Monkey Expert was set up last week in response to the evil trend, highlighting some of the very worst abuse primates are suffering in South East Asia. I started noticing it last year on YouTube when I observed some baby monkey videos looking for a laugh but there were videos with seemingly normal titles which would show a baby monkey hit or "trained" (mostly originated from Mainland China) , the abuse of these monkeys seemed to be for entertainment purposes once I checked the comments there were people begging for the baby monkey to be . CLOSE. As cute as it sounds, there is a tragic reality hidden behind this curious concept - around 3000 monkeys are removed from their home in the Indonesian forest by humans who exploit them to earn money. Baby monkeys have been beaten, thrown into a lake and tortured to death in horrifying videos posted to YouTube. In a rallying cry to "let the monkeys be monkeys", the Monkey Expert says: "Many monkey channels go to extreme lengths for views, all at the expense of poor and helpless monkeys. Almond had been beaten and bashed. Mali sitting at the curb tied to a tree | WFFT. I went on the channel and there are multiple videos . The video is even sadistically titled "teasing a baby monkey," and the caption mentions that he was "newly confiscated from his mother." Warning: the video below contains distressing . Baby monkey Rbi Crying Seizure finding daddy for request milk. This is a repost from for creating awareness about animal abuse on these non human primates.Thinking about acquiring a m. In one twisted video named "Tortured Primates", a monkey could be seen being electrocuted to death on the site. Cruel video shows 'drunken' baby chimp chained up and forced to drink beer. The black list. 7,684 Views. The video then panned to a third man pinning a second smaller monkey to the ground and stepping on its tail as well. Anger and International Outcry at Animal Abuse on YouTube. Kite said the Abang Satwa YouTube channel came to the nonprofit's attention about a year ago, when it was called "Monkey Raging." "We were appalled by what we saw," she said. I got sick to my stomach REALLY! A video depicting a case of animal abuse in Malaysia surfaced online recently. THESE ARE NOT MY MONKEYS. who claim the 17-year-old woman was arrested back in April after an earlier child abuse video emerged .
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