December 18, 2021
surname henry in jamaica
He volunteered at the Jacobsburg and Henry Gun Factory Museum. Retrieved from, Pearl Harbour: USS Arizona Casualties List Pearl Harbour December 7, 1941. This is a virtual genealogy library for those researching family history for Jamaica, West Indies, especially for people born before 1920. ", Makana Henry (b. Robert Henry was the proud holder of a signet ring which has been handed down in the family. 30 June 2020, Pan Am Flight 103's victims: A list of those killed 25 years ago | In a 1790 letter to Patrick Henry written by his cousin Margaret Donald which outlined a brief family history, she called their grandparents Alex Henry and Jean Robertson, stating that they were the parents to two sons and three daughters. Another Henry William Henry from Scotland came to Albany with his parents in the 1770s. Any help is appreciated. WebHenry Name Meaning English French Walloon and West Indian (mainly Jamaica and Haiti): from a personal name composed of the ancient Germanic elements haim heim home + rc power ruler introduced to England by the Normans in the form Henri. Browse profiles of historical people with the Henry last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?". In 1830 Thomas purchased 130 acres of land in East Whitby township and over the next decade he constructed a stone house where he lived until his death. The towns of Midale and Yellow Grass hold the record for the highest temperature recorded in Canada when both towns were 45 C on July 5, 1937. It is a family name of German origin, meaning someone with the strength of a bear. Two Irish-born Henrys arrived in Canada around the year 1811: Australia. Jones can mean Johns descendent or someone who God has chosen. Thomas Henry meanwhile was a stowaway carpenter who had arrived in Virginia with a Welsh wife sometime in the 1760s. Forebears knows about 45,470 unique surnames in Jamaica and there are 63 people per name. Kent Island project was William Claiborne (1587-1677), a name however destined to loom larger in colonial Virginia. According to family lore, John Henry had come to Philadelphia from Amsterdam around the year 1800, also as a stowaway. See Terms of Use for details. Later he published his. Ireland. Patrick Henry was a famed orator in Virginia in pre-Revolutionary days. Read More About This Surname. [7] The United Kingdom ranks Henry as 360th with 17,384 people. His grandson James migrated to Florida in 1852 and his son Francis was a prominent rancher there. They were called clan Mhic Enri or, in English, the McHenrys of Loughan. Alex Higgins, the Irish world champion in snooker, was one of its notable name bearers. The former presidents of America, Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson, were some of its famous name bearers. From here, the head of this Irish sept extended his territories into the valley of Glenconkeiny in County Londonderry. This is a virtual genealogy library for those researching family history for Jamaica, West Indies, especially for people born before 1920. Retrieved from, Pan Am Flight 103's victims: A list of those killed 25 years ago | Ned Jarrett, two times winner of the NASCAR championship, is one of its popular name bearers. Need info and clarification in order to complete this branch of the tree. [1]. WebJamaica Births and Baptisms, 1752-1920 Index to selected Jamaica births and baptisms. Jeffrey is the last name of German origin that can either mean a calm and quiet vow or a person who travels. A surname of Scottish origin that translates to Patricks son. The Henrys who came to America during the colonial era tended to be either Scots or Scots Irish. Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 29th September 2020). Robert Henry, aged twenty and illiterate, arrived at Trois-Rivieres from Normandy in 1665. You can see how Henry families moved over time by selecting different census years. Bruce Lee, a legendary name in martial arts, was one of its famous name bearers. Retrieved from, Debien,Gabriel. German Heinrich and also their derivatives e.g., Baxter translates to a person who bakes or a person making bread.. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Henry, originally Henri, was a French given name that was brought to England by the Normans in 1066. John Henry reportedly held lands near Coleraine in 1681; while the Rev. Derived from the Scottish word Mel Coluim, which refers to the apostle of Saint Columba. There are now more in NE France, particularly in Lorraine. One Henry family came about through the old Welsh patronymic system: Johns son Philip Henry was a Nonconformist clergyman in Shropshire who was imprisoned for his preachings during the Restoration. A few records may be earlier or later. Patricks son John was the emigrant to America, arriving there in 1727. Mrs. Edith B Henry, (b. They made many attempts but failed in some to establish settlements on the Islands including Saint Lucia and Grenada. Surname. WebGloria Henry (1923-1959) who was born with the name of Gloria McEniry, and who was an actress from America, who was most notably recognized for her portrayal of Alice Mitchell who was the mother on the popular CBS sitcom Dennis the Menace which ran from the year 1959 to the year 1963 (Retrieved 2014, March 6) . WebJamaica Births and Baptisms, 1752-1920 Index to selected Jamaica births and baptisms. These Irish immigrants were not only important for peopling the new settlements and cities, they also provided the manpower needed for the many industrial and agricultural projects so essential to these growing nations. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. The last name of English and French origin, Turner refers to someone who works with a shaping machine called lathe used for wood, metals, and different materials. The two brothers were very much attached to each other and ever afterwards lived not far apart. Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart? He could possibly be the Maxwell Hall who was the proprietor of Kempshop Pen in Montego Bay. Thomas Henry died in 1879 at the age of 81. One Henry family came about through the old Welsh patronymic system: Henry Williams was Welsh and lived at Britons ferry between Neath and Swansea in the early 1600s; while his son John, who came to London in the employ of the Earl of Pembroke, took his fathers first name Henry as his surname. There are 148,000 immigration records available for the last name Henry. More of the Henrys in Derry were descendants of Scots who had crossed the Irish Sea from Ayrshire. 1. Believed to have originated from the name Thomas, Tomlinson means twin. Retrieved from, Pearl Harbour: USS Arizona Casualties List Pearl Harbour December 7, 1941. The next generation of the family ventured into politics and became MPs, John with the Conservatives and Mitchell with the Liberals. The ancestors of the first family to use the name Henry lived among the Pictish people of ancient Scotland. By the 1960's many of the islands became independent after the West Indies Federation which existed from 1958 to 1962 failed due to internal political conflicts. William Henry died in South Carolina in 1819 at the reported age of 104. It was later commonly spelled Heinrich, with the spelling altered due to the influence of other Germanic names like Haganrich, in which the first element is hag "enclosure". By 1627 they had managed to establish settlements on St. Kitts (St. Christopher) and Barbados, but by 1641 the Spanish had moved in and destroyed some of these including those at Providence Island. Rank. Inventors of the first airplane, Orville and Wilbur Wright, more popularly known as the Wright brothers, are its famous name bearers.
Actual records in Aberdeenshire, Scotland showed his grandfather was officially known as Patrick, rather than Alexander, and was a school master. Kilian writes it Heynrick--Heymrick, i. e., rich at home. There was a William Herry in Colchester in 1337, a William Harrys in Oxfordshire in 1406, and a Harris family at Radford manor in Devon from about 1450. Kilian writes it Heynrick--Heymrick, i. e., rich at home. The names Allen, Brett, Everett, and Harvey were probably Breton in origin as Bretons also arrived, sometimes as mercenaries.
Official documents of the period normally used the Latinized form Henricus. There are 199,000 military records available for the last name Henry. Scotland. The Henry, Hendry, and Hendrie names all appear in Scotland. Robert Henry was the proud holder of a signet ring which has been handed down in the family. surname henry in jamaica. The name Henry is derived from the personal name Henry. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. The published proceedings of that occasion record that the 26th toast of the day was drunk (with spring water) to William Henry and his four sons, true patriots, brave and fearless soldiers.. Riley refers to a space of the cereal plant, rye. One Henry family came about through the old Welsh patronymic system: Henry Williams was Welsh and lived at Britons ferry between Neath and Swansea in the early 1600s; while his son John, who came to London in the employ of the Earl of Pembroke, took his fathers first name Henry as his surname. A number of Acadian Henrys had found refuge in Louisiana, arriving there from France in 1785. It is the last name of French origin that means someone joyful and exuberant. WebJamaican Family Search. Westone translates to a town in the west.. A few records may be earlier or later. The Scottish versions were Henry and its variants Hendry and Hendrie where the d is intrusive. Mr. Henry Coleman, (b. Lewis was the author of the fictional best novels The Chronicles Of Narnia, which were later adapted into blockbuster movies. Ford refers to a person who lives by a river crossing. Retrieved from, Lusitania Passenger List - The Lusitania Resource. Some other Henrys in Lancashire were of Irish origin; while James Henry from Derry came to Durham in the 1870s to find work in the mining industry. John Henry reportedly held lands near Coleraine in 1681; while the Rev. It was later commonly spelled Heinrich, with the spelling altered due to the influence of other Germanic names like Haganrich, in which the first element is hag "enclosure". The best online source for these records is Patricia Jacksons site Jamaican Family Search. Reader Feedback Robert Henrys Signet Ring from Coleraine and Pennsylvania. WebMost Common Last Names In Jamaica. They made many attempts but failed in some to establish settlements on the Islands including Saint Lucia and Grenada. His family of fifteen surviving children always seemed to impress guests on tour! By the 1960's many of the islands became independent after the West Indies Federation which existed from 1958 to 1962 failed due to internal political conflicts. William Henry and Hucks Defeat. This is now a museum, the Henry House Museum, maintained in his honor. It is an ancestral surname of English origin that means son of Edmond. He could possibly be the Maxwell Hall who was the proprietor of Kempshop Pen in Montego Bay. Derived from the Latin word clericus, Clarke means clerk. The first last name, in reality, is the middle name. George married a Jane Hopwood and Charles married a Mary Louisa Alice, nee unknown. GENEALOGY. 120 Popular jamaican Last Names Or Surnames, With Meanings. Brown. Meaning & History. John Glenn, the famous Astronaut from America, was one of its notable name bearers. It can also mean someone with an appreciation and love for horses. GENEALOGY. Emma Thompson is one of the most eulogized actresses of the UK. Many of them exist as books or pamphlets, but the best online source is again Jamaican Family Search. He was thus the first cousin of Henry II, and related to the noblest Norman and native families of South Wales. " America. 1875), aged 28, Cornish clerk travelling aboard the ship "Philadelphia" arriving at Ellis Island, New York on 19th September 1903 en route to New York, USA, Edmond Henry, who arrived in Canada in 1662, Mr. Edm Henry, French settler travelling to Canada for work arriving on 1st May 1662, Vincent Henry, son of Vincent and Marie, who married Marie-Suzanne Mouflet, daughter of Jea nand Anne, in Montreal, Quebec on 25th February 1710, Louis Henry, son of Marin and Jeanne, who married Marie-Josephte Germain, daughter of Jean and Catherine, in Sainte-Genevive, Quebec on 21st February 1735, Pierre Henry, son of Robert and Marie-Madeleine, who married Marguerite Brasseaux, daughter of Mathieu and Jeanne, in Grand-Pr, Nova Scotia on 2nd May 1736, Jean Henry, son of Mathurin and Genevive, who married Marguerite Poulin, daughter of Claude and Marguerite, in Saint-Joachim, Quebec on 21st November 1746, Hugh Henry, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1749, Job Henry, aged 20, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833 aboard the brig "Dorcas Savage" from Belfast, Ireland, James Henry, aged 36, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1834 aboard the brig "Betsy Heron" from Belfast, Ireland, Margaret Henry, aged 25, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1834 aboard the brig "Betsy Heron" from Belfast, Ireland, Patrick Henry, aged 24, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1834 aboard the ship "Britannia" from, Matthew Henry, aged 18, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1834 aboard the ship "Britannia" from Sligo, Ireland, Mr. Henry Ashfield, English convict who was convicted in. John Henry married a Huguenot and died in 1747. The most Henry families were found in USA in 1880. Derived from the French word Fontaine, Belafonte means fountain. Continental forms of the personal name were equally popular throughout Europe. Mr. Henry Coleman, (b. John and Robert Henry came from Coleraine in Derry to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania in 1722. When the Revolutionary War broke out in 1776, William was a staunch American patriot, although at the age of sixty one was too old to fight. From here, the head of this Irish sept extended his territories into the valley of Glenconkeiny in County Londonderry. The year range represents most of the records. Retrieved from, Lusitania Passenger List - The Lusitania Resource. At that time Sir David Henry established the newer larger New Zealand Forests Products Company. Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Franais 1608-1760. Bennett is derived from the Latin word Benedictus, meaning a blessed person. Some Henry Arrivals in America from Ireland. 'the son of Henry'; v. Harries. Bill passed away two years ago. There were 152 Henrys in the Channel Islands in the 1881 census. WebHenry Surname Origin. Meilor Fitzhenry (d. 1220), was "Justiciar of Ireland, was the son of Henry, the bastard son of King Henry I, by Nesta, the wife of Gerald of Windsor, and the daughter of Rhys ab Tewdwr, king of South Wales. A surname derived from the Latin word Laurentium, which translates to someone hailing from Latium, a city in Italy.Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most famous personalities in the entertainment industry. Those who did make it were essential to the development of what would become two of the wealthiest and most powerful nations of the world. Sutton is the name of a town in South England. It refers to a person living by the hillside. With a total of 26,471 people surnamed Henry, it is the ninth most common surname in Jamaica. Matthew had four sisters, one of whom, Sarah Savage, kept a diary which was published. Yee in WebThe surname Henry was first found in Ayrshire and Fife where the intrusive "d" is common as in "Hendry." WebHenry Surname Origin. Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items. Verstegan derives this name from Einrick, ever rich; others from Herrick, rich lord or master; Camden, from the Latin Honoricus, honorable. Davis means the son of David, where David refers to someone who is loved. Henry Hall. In 1940, Laborer and Maid were the top reported jobs for men and women in the USA named Henry. Retrieved from, Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 29th September 2020). New Zealand.
"Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900." A surname of English origin, cliff, can mean a slope or the edge of the sea. Jamaican last names reflect the countrys diverse culture from the colonization era, which brought people from different countries together. The names even have deep and historical meanings that also throw light on the culture and language. A family tradition, long quoted, has said that William Henry, along with his sons, turned out on July 12, 1780 to capture the marauding Tories under Captain Christian Huck of Banastre Tarletons Legion. Originating from an Irish surname, Daley means son of Dlach, where Dlach refers to a congregation in Gaelic. Cornwall Online Parish Clerks. He was a man of modest means.
It is a derivative surname of the Welsh word bychan that means something small or tiny. A Henry family migrated to New Zealand from Midlothian in Scotland in the 1870s. Kent Island project was William Claiborne (1587-1677), a name however destined to loom larger in colonial Virginia. English French Walloon and West Indian (mainly Jamaica and Haiti): from a personal name composed of the ancient Germanic elements haim heim home + rc power ruler introduced to England by the Normans in the form Henri. Its roots are Germanic, from the, Henri was a king in France in the 11th century and Henry developed there as a surname, mainly in northern France. The McHenrys of the Bushmills area and around Ballyrashane parish were a branch of the OCathain clan, descended from Enri OCathain (Henry OCahan) in the mid-1400s. WebFor lists of surnames used in Jamaica, therefore, you can consult the Site Index. Charles died in time frame of 1889-1891. Derived from the word boton, which translates to button in French. Allen is a common surname in Jamaica with its roots in Ireland that means tiny stones or rocks.
[6] New Zealand ranks Henry as 203rd with 2,743 people. He was a wealthy man and friend to George Washington.
Five years later they moved to a farm at Oshawa on the shores of Lake Ontario. Now that our list of popular Jamaican surnames with their meaning, share this post with your friends and enlighten them about Jamaicas diversity. WebHenry Surname Origin. England. Stylish last names with deep meaning reflect Jamaicas rich multi-cultural heritage. Mrs. Edith B Henry, (b. Scots Irish. He made his home at Bayhall. [2] However, in Canada, the name Henry is ranked the 232nd most popular surname with an estimated 17,410 people with that name. Henry in England often became Harry which provided the route to the Harris surname. Heinrich was popular among John Henry married a Huguenot and died in 1747.
WebMost Common Last Names In Jamaica. His son the Rev. John Henry arrived in Maryland in 1710 and was the Presbyterian minister at Pokomoke church in Somerset county. Over time their names became less French and more English in character. With a total of 26,471 people surnamed Henry, it is the ninth most common surname in Jamaica. Websurname henry in jamaica surname henry in jamaica Denna was a Senior Manager with KPMG Jamaica for over 10 years before being promoted to her current role. 1875), aged 28, Cornish clerk travelling aboard the ship "Philadelphia" arriving at Ellis Island, New York on 19th September 1903 en route to New York, USA, Mr. Henry Ashfield, English convict who was convicted in. Originating from the ancient English nickname cola, Cole means victory. McKenley, of Gaelic origin, refers to the descendent of Finlay.. [3] And in the United States, the name Henry is the 133rd popular surname with an estimated 169,116 people with that name. His descendants were caught up in the Acadian deportations of the 1750s, with one son Pierre returning to France. 'the son of Henry'; v. Harries. His grandson John Henry was Senator of Maryland in 1789 and subsequently its Governor. Their numbers included Jean Baptiste Henry, whose line was traced in Sandra Henrys 1999 book The Families of Jean Baptiste Theodore Henry. 'the son of Henry'; v. Harries. English French Walloon and West Indian (mainly Jamaica and Haiti): from a personal name composed of the ancient Germanic elements, Do not sell or share my personal information. In the period in which the majority of English surnames were formed a common English vernacular form of the name was Harry hence the surnames Harris (southern) and Harrison (northern). A surname of Scottish origin, Hogg is an occupational name for people who look after cattle. Chris Gayle is one of its notable name bearers. This collection contains 331,497 records. They used several anglicized forms, the main ones being Henry and Henrie. Originating from Berwickshire, Gordon means a large or spacious castle. Their third son Robert had fought as a lad at Kings Mountain in 1780 and was later an eccentric pioneer in Asheville, North Carolina. Compare Henri . Jamaican last names reflect the countrys diverse culture from the colonization era, which brought people from different countries together. From here, the head of this Irish sept extended his territories into the valley of Glenconkeiny in County Londonderry. There are 969,000 census records available for the last name Henry. That was when an American force under General Thomas Sumter attacked Captain Huck at James Williamsons plantation in southern York County, slaying Huck and driving off his troops with heavy loss. Wikisource . Robert Henry, aged twenty and illiterate, arrived at Trois-Rivieres from Normandy in 1665. WebOrigins of the Henry Surname. His descendants were caught up in the Acadian deportations of the 1750s, with one son Pierre returning to France, An easy and dignified raconteur, Henry was invited in 1776 to give an account of his journeys at the Royal Society in London and to Queen Marie Antoinette at Versailles. Into politics and became MPs, John with the Conservatives and Mitchell the! Saint Lucia and Grenada List of popular Jamaican surnames with their meaning, this! Noblest Norman and native families of South Wales. English nickname cola, Cole victory..., was one of its notable name bearers Irish sept extended his territories into the valley of Glenconkeiny in Londonderry! God has chosen a diary which was published personal name were equally popular throughout Europe who is loved how families. Mary Louisa Alice, nee unknown grandson John Henry had come to Philadelphia Amsterdam! They were called clan Mhic Enri or, in reality, is one of the Henrys Derry. 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