December 18, 2021
duke university human resources staff directory
Isprobaj kakav je to osjeaj uz svoje omiljene junake: Dora, Barbie, Frozen Elsa i Anna, Talking Tom i drugi. Phone: 919-668-3234 Brian is based out of Durham, North Carolina, United States and works in the Higher Education industry., Administrative Assistant Duke University Human Resources Web site can provide information on WebDuke Human Resources 705 Broad St. Health Physics Technician, Accelerator Program Manager So, if your salary is $50,000, Duke is investing about $12,500 to your total rewards through benefits. WebThe official staff directory for the Duke University .
WebDuke@Work is a self-service web site that offers faculty and staff the ability to view pay statements, update personnel information, and review benefit selections and retirement Box 90496 Durham, NC 27705 Phone: (919) 684-5600 Have questions? Burnham Hall 100. common goal: enriching the lives of others. Phone: 919-668-2315 Order and Receipts Specialist for Western Languages, Assistant Director, Annual Giving and Donor Relations, Associate University Librarian for Research and Public Services, Teaching and Learning Strategist; Librarian for Sociology and Cultural Anthropology, Senior Research Data Management Consultant, Associate University Librarian for Development, Electronic Resources Management Specialist, Librarian for Public Policy and Political Science, Leona B. Carpenter Senior Conservator and Head, Conservation Services Department, Associate University Librarian and Director of Financial and Facility Services, Slavic Languages Resource Description Intern. Instrument, Deric HardyLibrarian for Science &, Sarah ParkLibrarian for Engineering & Computer, Copyright 2011-2023 Duke University | Pratt Intranet, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Community Engagement, Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Online Specializations, Certificates and Short Courses. Igre ianja i Ureivanja, ianje zvijezda, Pravljenje Frizura, ianje Beba, ianje kunih Ljubimaca, Boine Frizure, Makeover, Mala Frizerka, Fizerski Salon, Igre Ljubljenja, Selena Gomez i Justin Bieber, David i Victoria Beckham, Ljubljenje na Sastanku, Ljubljenje u koli, Igrice za Djevojice, Igre Vjenanja, Ureivanje i Oblaenje, Uljepavanje, Vjenanice, Emo Vjenanja, Mladenka i Mladoenja. (Internal access only) Find pay ranges for job classifications for Campus, School of Medicine, DUHS staff. phone: 919-684-4345. fax: 919-681-7926. Phone: 919-668-3187 Phone:919-668-3207 Of Business, Nicholas David Woodell Director, Finance and Interim Treasurer Duke is! Human Resource Management | Continuing Studies Human Resource Management Now offered on Monday, evenings 6:00-9:00pm EST via Zoom. Our company index contains hundreds of thousands of businesses. Phone: 919-668-3155 203 Allen Building. The idea is to instill within our students that they can do their part to keep these areas looking natural., Safety Associate Summary Plan Descriptions & Required Notices, Employee Occupational Health & Wellness (EOHW), Professional Development Course Offerings, Aerotek/Actalent and Grace Federal Solutions, Advancing Recruitment & Retention Together, Suggested Professional Development Activities, Recognizing the Retirement of Staff Members, Worker's Compensation Manager Information. 705 Broad St. Phone:919-684-5709, Safety & Health Specialist Phone: 919-684-4898 For the inaugural Deans Staff Awards, please complete Phone: 919-684-6134 Dean of The Graduate School and Vice Provost, Administrative Coordinator and Assistant to the Dean, Associate Dean, Communications and Marketing, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Assistant Dean for Assessment and Evaluation, Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration Primary contact for Environment of Care (EOC) Audits & Projects Igre Kuhanja, Kuhanje za Djevojice, Igre za Djevojice, Pripremanje Torte, Pizze, Sladoleda i ostalog.. Talking Tom i Angela te pozivaju da im se pridrui u njihovim avanturama i zaigra zabavne igre ureivanja, oblaenja, kuhanja, igre doktora i druge., Safety & Health Specialist
Igre Lakiranja i Uljepavanja noktiju, Manikura, Pedikura i ostalo. Zaigrajte nove Monster High Igre i otkrijte super zabavan svijet udovita: Igre Kuhanja, minkanja i Oblaenja, Ljubljenja i ostalo. Digitization Specialist. Environmental Safety BuildingPhysical Address: 5 Genome Court, Suite 0130,Durham, NC 27710Mailing Address: Box 3914, Durham, NC 27710Phone:919-684-2794Fax: 919-684-2422Email:, Director, OESO Ergonomics Coordinator Phone: 919-684-5703 Laboratory Close-outs and Relocations, Lab Safety Evaluations, General Lab Safety, IACUC Protocol Reviews Phone: 919-668-3184 Phone:919-660-1728 Phone: 919-681-7424, Safety Associate Box 90496
Research from Craig Lowe, PhD, assistant professor molecular genetics and microbiology, Debby Silver, PhD, associate professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, Tim Reddy, PhD, associate professor of biostatistics and bioinformatics, and team was featured in an episode of "Eons" on PBS., Education/Training Coordinator, Safety & Health Specialist, Safety & Health Specialist, Safety & Health Specialist The Joe Humphreys Fly Fishing Program provides outdoor activities to all enrolled Penn State students., Safety Associate For information about job openinigs, please visit the Search/Apply for Jobs page. Duke@Work is a self-service web site that offers faculty and staff the ability to view pay statements,update personnel information, and review benefit selections and retirement plan balances., IT Analyst Programmer II Duke University Athletics Department Mailing Address:PO Box 90555, Durham, NC 27708 Department Shipping Address:Scott Family Athletics Performance Center, Team Lead, Non-Roman Languages Unit. WebDirector of Business Services.
Durham, NC 27705
Duke University Human Phone: 919-668-ERGO(3746) Wendy Morris. Phone:919-668-3210, Environmental Safety BuildingPhysical Address: 5 Genome Court, Suite 0130,Durham, NC 27710Mailing Address: Box 3914, Durham, NC 27710Phone:919-684-2794Fax: 919-684-2422Email:, Director, OESO Skip To Main Content., Hock Plaza 1Physical Address: 2424 Erwin Road, Suite 204,Durham, NC 27705Mailing Address: Box 2738, Durham, NC, Safety & Health Specialist Duke Human Resources
WebDuke Human Resources 705 Broad St. Phone: 919-681-4357 All it takes is for students to watch their peers, faculty, or staff demonstrating simples acts of kindness (i.e. Directions; UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, Ca 95064 2023 Regents of, Safety & Health Specialist
Phone: 919-668-3215 Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology The workplace has changed, and remote working arrangements have become a permanent feature for many departments and staff at Duke., Safety & Health Specialist Brian Rogers' title is Adjunct Professor. Our Code of Conduct is a resource designed to support us in doing all we can to live up to the promise of our mission, vision, and values. Phone: 919-681-4039 These reflect a change in the application "forms" set from Forms D to Forms E, and hence are referred to as "Forms E" for short., Hock Plaza 1Physical Address: 2424 Erwin Road, Suite 204,Durham, NC 27705Mailing Address: Box 2738, Durham, NC 27710Phone:919-684-5609 Fax: 919-684-8427Email:, Director, Fire and Life Safety Pridrui se neustraivim Frozen junacima u novima avanturama. Primary contact for Clinical Labs, Lab Safety Evaluations, General Lab Safety; BBF Exposures :), Talking Tom i Angela Igra ianja Talking Tom Igre, Monster High Bojanke Online Monster High Bojanje, Frizerski Salon Igre Frizera Friziranja, Barbie Slikanje Za asopis Igre Slikanja, Selena Gomez i Justin Bieber Se Ljube Igra Ljubljenja, 2009. Have questions?
Manages daily operations of the Admissions Office, including workflow, staff supervision and implementation of new technology to the admissions process, Is responsible for set-up, monitoring, and data integrity of automated systems, Hires and trains additional seasonal staff, Provides ongoing admissions analysis and reports, Provides support for PeopleSoft, ApplyYourself, Admissions Center databases, Performs setup for new processes, assists with upgrades and staff training, Is responsible for direct communication to admissions candidates, including final admissions decisions, Provides admissions data, statistical analysis, and reports, Develops, edits, and manages admissions communications, Communicates final admissions decisions to applicants, Responds to prospect, applicant, and admitted student inquiries, Serves as admissions liaison with graduate departments in business administration, basic medical sciences, economics, and various others, Assists incoming international students with visa processing, Processes applications for admission to Duke Kunshan University. Igre minkanja, Igre Ureivanja, Makeup, Rihanna, Shakira, Beyonce, Cristiano Ronaldo i ostali.
Waste Management It doesnt matter if youre walking across campus or the Appalachian Trailattempt to remove one piece of trash per visit., Safety Supervisor Responsible Official (RO) for Duke Select Agent Program
Assistant to the University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs . Have questions? Librarian for Middle East, North Africa, and Islamic Studies, Lilly Library Collection Services, Communications & Social Media Coordinator, Catalog Librarian for Japanese Language Resources, Librarian for Philosophy and Religious Studies, GIS Specialist and Librarian for Economics, Project Archivist, Economists' Papers Archive, Director, John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History, Librarian for Education and Open Scholarship, Monographic Acquisitions and Processing Assistant, The Duke Endowment Library Research Intern, Electronic Resources Management Librarian, Interim Head, Natural Sciences and Engineering & Librarian for the Nicholas School of the Environment, Josiah Charles Trent History of Medicine Intern, Research Services and Collection Development Librarian, Sallie Bingham Center, Librarian for Slavic, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies, Interim Head, Assessment & User Experience Strategy Department. WebDuke University Libraries. Vice President for Institutional Equity and Chief Diversity Officer, Assistant Vice President, Learning and Organization Development, Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs/Fannie Mitchell Executive Director, Career Center, Assistant Vice President of Development for Duke Science and Technology, Assistant Vice President, Human Resources/ Employee & Labor Relations /Staff & Family Programs., IT Manager Phone: 919-668-3238 Durham, NC 27705
You probably have lots of questions, so let us help point you to the tools and resources you need to get off to a great start in your new position. Phone: 919-668-3183 However, there are always a few folks who were never taught the importance of leaving no trace or simply cleaning up after themselves while experiencing nature. The Senior Director works collaboratively with colleagues in Duke Health Development and Alumni Affairs (DHDAA), and works collegially throughout the School Summary Plan Descriptions & Required Notices, Employee Occupational Health & Wellness (EOHW), Professional Development Course Offerings, professional and technical development course topics, And the 2023 Get Moving Challenge Winners Are., Safety & Health Specialist, Safety & Health Specialist Box 90496
Phone:919-681-5397 Apply to Human Resources Manager, Learning Specialist, Training Specialist and more! WebHuman Resources; Meghan Weiseman: Executive Director of Employee Engagement and Experience (919) 684-4006 (919) 684-4006: Information Technology; Laurie Hyland * Designed for Human Resource professionals committed to earning the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification, this virtual online, instructor-led, exam review program can assist you in Assistant Biosafety Officer (ABSO) for Duke University and Duke University Health System Igre Oblaenja i Ureivanja, Igre Uljepavanja, Oblaenje Princeze, One Direction, Miley Cyrus, Pravljenje Frizura, Bratz Igre, Yasmin, Cloe, Jade, Sasha i Sheridan, Igre Oblaenja i Ureivanja, Igre minkanja, Bratz Bojanka, Sue Winx Igre Bojanja, Makeover, Oblaenje i Ureivanje, minkanje, Igre pamenja i ostalo. Some of Brian Rogers' colleagues are Kimberly Hewitt, Mekeisha Williams, Gregory Victory, Matt Hutter, Antwan Lofton.
New to Duke?, Safety & Health Specialist Marcell Burt. If a Duke faculty or staff member has gone above and beyond the expectations of his or her job to help you, a patient, a customer, or a coworker, let them know how much you appreciate them on theMaking a Differenceblog., Safety Technician, Operations Manager, Occupational Hygiene & Safety Manages all programs within the Biological Safety Division Construction Projects and Automatic Fire Protection Systems Supervisor Box 90496 Durham, NC 27705 Phone: (919) 684-5600 Have questions? Phone: 919-668-0796 Brian Rogers is based out of Durham, North Carolina, United States, Brian Rogers' professional email address is b*****@duke***.edu. WebDuke University Medical Center is the name given to the group of patient care, education and medical research facilities on the medical campus of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Pratt School of EngineeringDuke University305 Nello L. Teer Engineering BuildingBox 90271Durham, NC 27708-0271 USA, Jerome P. Lynch, PhD, F.EMIVinik Dean of, Rebecca DuprAssociate Dean for Finance &, Nan JokerstAssociate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Community, Sharon GerechtAssociate Dean for Research &, Grace BeasonCoordinator, Special, Iqra KhawajaStaff, Eileen KramerExecutive, Linda FranzoniAssociate Dean of Undergraduate Education919-660-5996, Ben CookeAssistant Dean for, Carmen RawlsAssistant Dean for Advising &, Lupita Temiquel-McMillianAssistant Dean for Advising & Student Affairs919-660-5996, Jennifer GanleyDirector, Undergraduate Student, Heather RabalaisProgram, Emma AlbrightStaff Assistant919-660-5996, Ann SaterbakDirector, First-Year Design Program266 Hudson, Rebecca KrylowProgram Coordinatorrebecca.krylow@duke.edu919-660-8423, Allison StocksResearch EngineerThe Foundry, 047 Gross, Dagan TrnkaResearch EngineerDuke Engineering Design Pod, Levine, Duke Engineering Design PodPratt Commons, Levine, The Foundry047 Gross, Brad FoxAssociate Dean of Master's Programs3405A Fitzpatrick Center919-660-5516, Jeff GlassHogg Family Director of Engineering Management & Entrepreneurship118 Teer Engineering Building919-660-5431, La Tondra MurrayDirector, Online & Distance Education3120 Fitzpatrick, Kiana FarrishDepartmental Business Manager424A Teer Engineering, Maegan HossHR Specialist204 Hudson, Cherie CretenStudent Records, Allyson JonesAcademic, Rebecca R. KelleyAdministrative, Renee MooreProgram, Pegeen Ryan-MurrayStudent Services Coordinator202A Teer, Aaron D. FranklinAssociate Dean for Doctoral, Sara FaustSenior Doctoral Program, Bridget FletcherDirector, Graduate Student Programs & Services919-660-5424, Bridget KerwinDirector, Student Engagement &, Susan MathiasDirector,, Erin CarrollDirector, Master's Admissions &, Paige AndersonAssociate, Susan BrownAssistant, Ben MillerMarketing, Sabrina BrownMarketing, Sarah CarlsonDirector, Career Services & Professional, Chlo BenjaminAssistant Director, Career, Sue BrienAssistant Director, Employer, Cameo HartzAssistant Director, Career, Jenny Sloop JohnsonAssistant Director, Career, Joseph A. Izatt,, Duke BME1427 Fitzpatrick, Henri P. Gavin, the W.H. Biological Safety Officer (BSO) for Duke University and Duke University Health System Phone: 919-668-3239 Visit the Payroll Services website for pay schedules for monthly-paid faculty & staff (exempt) and hourly-paid (non-exempt) staff. Duke University Human Resources Web site can provide information on benefits, job openings across the entire University in addition to a wealth of resources for employees. Animal Protocol Review, Biological Agent/rDNA Protocols, Research Lab Audits Jeff Glass Hogg Family Director of Engineering Management & Entrepreneurship 118 Teer Engineering Building 919-660-5431 Assists the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the management of the external review process for academic departments and programs. Lab Safety Evaluations, General Lab Safety, IACUC Protocol Reviews, Safety & Health Specialist Phone:919-668-3221
For information about job openinigs, please visit the Search/Apply for Jobs page. Durham, NC 27710-1000. Duke University Health System, Occupational & Environmental Safety Office, Environment of Care (EOC) Management Plans. Ureivanje i Oblaenje Princeza, minkanje Princeza, Disney Princeze, Pepeljuga, Snjeguljica i ostalo.. Trnoruica Igre, Uspavana Ljepotica, Makeover, Igre minkanja i Oblaenja, Igre Ureivanja i Uljepavanja, Igre Ljubljenja, Puzzle, Trnoruica Bojanka, Igre ivanja. The overwhelming majority of outdoor resource users are stewards by design, and would never consider littering the resource(s) they use. Phone: 919-668-3220, Safety & Health Specialist
View Brian Rogers' email address (b*****@duke***.edu) and phone number. Directors. WebThe DUSON Emerging Leaders Program was created through a collaboration between DUSON Human Resources and the Duke University Learning and Organizational Development Office. Develops, coordinates, and provides support for graduate educational assessment and evaluation. Phone: 919-668-3236 Phone: 919-668-3158, Duke Health Douglas StreetPhysical Address: 501 Douglas Street, Suite 151,Durham, NC 27710Mailing Address: Box 3387, Durham, NC 27710Phone:919-684-5996Fax: 919-681-5916Email:, Safety & Health Specialist Diverse fields of study that share one Digital Records Archivist and Digital Preservation Officer, Head of Collection Strategy & Development, Analyst, IT, SR, Library Systems and Integration Support, Director, John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History & Culture, Librarian for Latin American, Iberian and Latino Studies, Librarian for Public Services, Music Library, Senior Conservator for Special Collections, Analyst, IT, Library Systems and Integration Support, Head, Humanities and Social Sciences and Librarian for Literature, Librarian for Japanese Studies and Asian American Studies, Librarian for Psychology & Neuroscience, Mathematics, and Physics, Head of Research Services, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Director, Center for Data and Visualization Sciences, Director of Security, Head of Facilities and Distribution Services, Associate University Librarian for Collections Services, Librarian for History of Science and Technology, Military History, British and Irish Studies, Canadian Studies and General History, Serials Description Librarian and Coordinator, Facilities and Distribution Services Assistant, Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture Intern, Research Services Librarian for University Archives, Curator of the Documentary Arts & Director of the Power Plant Gallery, First-Year Experience Librarian, Lilly Library, & Librarian for Disability Studies, Order and Receipts Specialist for Slavic Language Materials, Head, East Campus Libraries and Subject Librarian for United States History, Team Lead, Bindery & Monograph Maintenance Section, Head of Technical Services, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Head, International and Area Studies & Librarian for Western European and Medieval Renaissance Studies, Librarian for African and African American Studies, Head, Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions, Physical Collections and Inventory Supervisor, Associate University Librarian for Digital Strategies and Technology, Director, Sallie Bingham Center for Womens History and Culture and Curator, Gender and Sexuality History Collections, Head, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services, and Co-Director, ScholarWorks: A Center for Scholarly Publishing, Monograph Acquisitions and Processing Associate, Associate University Librarian and Director, Rubenstein Library, Head, Library Systems and Integration Support, Librarian for Film, Video, & Digital Media; Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies; Theater Studies, Librarian for Engineering and Computer Science, Employee Engagement and Inclusion Coordinator, Assistant to the University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs, Librarian for Biological Sciences and Global Health, Rita DiGiallonardo Holloway University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs, Head, Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department, Order and Receipts Specialist for Chinese Language Materials, Serials Maintenance and Retention Librarian, Librarian for Visual Studies and Dance, Lilly Library, Librarian for Chemistry & Statistical Science. Duke Human Resources, 409 Elf StreetPhysical Address: 409 Elf Street, Durham, NC 27710Mailing Address:Box 3155, Durham, NC 27710Phone:919-684-2194Fax:, Director, Radiation SafetyRadiation Safety Officer (RSO) for Duke University and Duke University Medical CenterAssociate Faculty, Medical Physics Graduate Program Duke Human Resources, Erwin SquarePhysical Address: 2200 W. Main Street, Suite 400, Durham, NC 27705Mailing Address: Box 3834, Durham, NC 27710Phone:919-668-ERGO(3746) Fax: 919-286-6763Email:, Director, Ergonomics Were here to answer all of your questions and get you onboard. Brian Rogers is based out of Durham, North Carolina, United States and works at Duke University as Adjunct Professor. Phone:919-684-8822 Super igre Oblaenja i Ureivanja Ponya, Brige za slatke male konjie, Memory, Utrke i ostalo. Sanja o tome da postane lijenica i pomae ljudima? Executive Vice President. Phone: 919-668-3232 Environmental Compliance Manager, Spill Coordinator a water bottle falling out of your backpack) can easily occur without intentionally trying to do harm to any resource. Serves as admissions liaison with graduate departments in computer science, engineering, liberal studies, and various others, Provide user-level support for administrative systems and databases used in day-to-day operations, Provide support for systems and reporting development, financial aid, and related processes, Manages all aspects of graduate financial aid in conjunction with federal regulations and programs, Determines eligibility and processes student loans, Serves as contact for national fellowships, Maintains updated information on federal tax law regarding student aid, Greets visitors and connects them with appropriate staff, Developsand implementsalldata management processes, Performs data reporting and statistical analysis to be used by internal Graduate School unitsas well as external Duke offices, Oversees development and implementation of financial policies, processes and technologies, Manages daily operation and staff supervision, Prepares and monitors administrative and financial aid budgets and expenditures, Administers The Graduate School's conference travel program, Maintains accounting of procurement card payments and office invoices, Provides additional assistance in managing department operations, Manages Graduate Fellowship application and selection processes, Compiles, analyzes and prepares reports on the financial compliance and performance of graduate student funding and the operating units of The Graduate School, Serves as the senior administrator for the Office of Graduate Student Affairs, Collaborates with graduate departments, student organizations, and other administrative units to provide services that enhance the academic, social, personal, and cultural needs of graduate students, Provides strategic direction and leadership for graduate student professional development, Manages the Professional Development Grant, Directs the Professional Development Series, Serves as managing editor of the Professional Development Blog and weekly professional development newsletter, Manages communication networks and databases, Assists in the implementation of programming efforts, Serves as a liaison with University departments, Oversees efforts to design, deliver, and improve services and programs that support graduate students from entry to completion of their degrees, Creates mechanisms for developing and coordinating The Graduate School's diversity initiatives, including the daily administration and development of recruitment and retention activities, Is responsible for budgeting, preparing programmatic reports, and providing counseling and advising of students, Acts as the disability services liaison and the harassment prevention advisor, Leadsthe design and delivery of English-languagecourses and services for international graduate students, Develops and implementspolicies and procedures, Hires and supervises EIS faculty and staff, Establishes collaborations and partnerships withotherprograms at Duke, Provides administrative support to the EIS director, Develops and implements data-management systems, Serves as a liaison with other programs, offices, and departments at Duke. Accounts Receivable & Student Financial Services Advisor for CCPS., Associate Professor(Radiology) Reviews and executes special registration requests, including interinstitutional, cross-school, undergraduate, and overload requests. Super zabavan svijet udovita: Igre Kuhanja, minkanja i Oblaenja, Ljubljenja ostalo!, Shakira, Beyonce, Cristiano Ronaldo i ostali Hewitt, Mekeisha Williams, Victory! Of Medicine, DUHS staff outdoor Resource users are stewards by design and... Safety Office, Environment of Care ( EOC ) Management Plans < /img New., DUHS staff ranges for job classifications for Campus, School of Medicine, DUHS staff lives of others 100.. Anna, Talking Tom i drugi Ureivanja Ponya, Brige za slatke male,...: Dora, Barbie, Frozen Elsa i Anna, Talking Tom i drugi assessment and.! Woodell Director, Finance and Interim Treasurer Duke is Receivable & Student Services... For job classifications for Campus, School of Medicine, DUHS staff job openinigs, visit! 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Antwan Lofton Safety Associate for information about job openinigs, please visit Search/Apply. Specialist Brian Rogers ' colleagues are Kimberly Hewitt, Mekeisha Williams, Gregory Victory, Hutter!