December 18, 2021
106 recoilless rifle on a jeep
Hatchie Run LongriflesShoots 4th Sunday of the month, Diane Rinehart, 104 Embry Rd., Coldwater, MS 38618, 662-233-4747; The 106mm cannon came from Brent Mullins in Texas that had it in three pieces. Also, the caption for the photo says the Recoilless Rifle was something new, perhaps developed sometime in 54. fine mold 1/35 Ground Self-Defense Force Type 60 Self-Propelled 106mm Recoilless, Trumpeter Chinese 105mm Type 75 Recoilless Rifle 1:35 Scale Model Kit 02303 NIB, 3,343 page CUCV M1008 M1009 M1010 Pickup Dodge Chevy Truck - 27 Manuals on CD, Vintage GI Joe 1964 - Five Star Jeep - Recoilless Rifle - Spring (1965), Fine Molds FM36 JGSDF Japan Type 73 Light Truck(Recoilless Rifle) 1:35 scale kit, 1/35 Tamiya U.S. M151A2 w/Tow Launcher 35125, ITALERI Military Model 1/35 M113 ACAV with 106mm recoilless gun Hobby 6506 T6506, AOSHIMA 1/72 No.6 JGSDF TYPE 60 SELF-PROLELLED 106 mm RECOILLESS GUN TRACTOR kit, PRC 105mm Type 75 Recoilless Rifle W/Figures Trumpeter Kit Tr 02303, Fine Molds 1/35 Japanese Army Type-73 pickup truck recoilless rifle equippe, Renwal 1:32 Ontos The Thing With a Sting Tank, Vintage Kit 557, Sealed, AOSHIMA JGSDF TYPE 60 SELF-PROPELLED 106mm RECOILLESS GUN 2 VEHICLE SET 1/72, MANUAL 90MM RECOILLESS RIFLE M67 FM 23-11 JULY 1965, AFV Club 1/35 AF35S19 US M38A1C 1/4 Ton 4x4 w/M40A1 106mm Redoilless Rifle, Trumpeter 02303 1/35 Chinese 105mm type 75 Recoilless Rifle plastic model kit, Rambo Sealed Coleco 106mm Recoilless Anti Tank Gun Vintage, TRUMPETER Military Model 1/35 BJ212A & 105mm Type75 Recoilless Rifle 02301 P2301, LZ Models 35506 1/35 US Army 75mm Recoilless Rifle T21 with Tripod model kit, Live Resin LR-35326 1/35 M3 Carl Gustaf Recoilless Rifle, ITALERI 6506 Military Model 1/35 M113 ACAV with 106mm recoilless gun Hobby T6506, Trumpeter 1:35 JEEP BJ212A w/150mm TYPE 75 RECOILLESS RIFLE Model Kit - 02301, 2002 Hasbro GI Joe Korean War Army Recoilless Rifle Action Figure NEW See Photos, Trumpeter 02301 JEEP BJ212A w/150mm TYPE 75 RECOILLESS RIFLE 1/35, TAMIYA 35125 Military Model 1/35 M15A2 w/Tow Missile Launcher Scale Hobby, TomyTec LittleArmory LA073 84mm Recoilless Rifle M2 Type Model Kit 315360 NEW, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Photo is dated 10-12-1971.. And being a demonstration it is indeed possible that the mounting system was already established for the Jeep and the windshield just happened to be removed. Technically, only devices that use spin-stabilized projectiles fired from a rifled barrel are recoilless rifles, while smoothbore variants (which can be fin-stabilized or unstabilized) are recoilless guns. Welcome to, a website for vintage jeep enthusiasts. Because some projectile velocity is inevitably lost to the recoil compensation, recoilless rifles tend to have inferior range to traditional cannon, although with a far greater ease of transport, making them popular with paratroop, mountain warfare and special forces units, where portability is of particular concern, as well as with some light infantry and infantry fire support units. (function() {
Jeep-mounted 106mm recoilless rifles were used extensively by both sides against a variety of targets, including armor, buildings, and barricades, as well as in an indirect role. Your email address will not be published. Sac Valley MuzzleloadersShoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Michael Bush, 3216 Smithlee Dr., Sacramento, CA 95827, 916-362-1469, Spring Shoot first weekend of June, Fall Shoot first weekend of September. Woodstock, CT 06281,,, Brandywine Muzzleloading Long Rifles ClubSecond Saturday of each month, David Van Hook, 366 Wallace Dr., Newark, DE 19711, 302-731-7727,,, Nanticoke Sportmens ClubShoots 1st and 3rd Saturday monthly, 22336 Bridgeville Highway, Seaford, DE 19973, 302-628-9382,, Calusa Country Long RiflesShoot 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month, Donald Richards, 1813 Cape Palos Dr., Melbourne, FL 32935, 321-794-7267,, Central Florida MuzzleloadersShoots the 3rd Sunday each month except December and January, starts at 8:00am; Ben Bateman, 407-451-9411,, Escambia River Gun ClubFirst Saturday each month at 9am, David Halupowski, 850-678-4052,,, 4020 Rocky Branch Rd, Cantonment, FL 32533, Eustis Gun ClubShoots monthly 1st Sunday except July, Terry L. McCauslin, 10100 Morningside Dr., Leesburg, FL 34788, 352-308-9876. recoilless rifle is mounted on a jeep and fired during a demonstration at the Armys Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Beaver Creek Plainsmen, Inc. This system would form the basis of the much more successful Carl Gustav recoilless rifle postwar. 106 recoilless rifle on a jeep. Ron Winfield, 859-272-1346,, Kentucky Long Rifles, Inc.Shoots, 3rd Sunday monthly; Cowboy Action Shoots, 2nd Saturday, Apr-Oct; Table Shoots 4th Saturday, Apr-Oct; Contact: Kevin Sharp PO box 691, Morehead KY, 40351 KSHARP326@GMAIL.COM; 606-356-7261, Little Mount Muzzleloaders, Inc.Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly except for Memorial Shoot which is held last Saturday in March, Ken Lutes, 1849 Flanagan Station Rd., Winchester, KY 40391, 859-771-4304,, Magoffin Co. MuzzleloadersTanner Stephens, 2187 Royalton Rd., Salyersville, KY 41465,, Salt River Long RiflesShoots 1st Sunday monthly, Woodswalk and Blackpowder Clay Target Shoots alternate 5th Sunday monthly. To see the entire article by Alex Hollings and watch the video, PO Box 1077 MURFREESBORO, Tennessee 37133 United States, P.O. hopefully i can find a 106 somewhere here. As a result, its sometimes hard to really appreciate the sheer power of these vehicles. By the time of the Korean War, recoilless rifles were found throughout the US forces. Skybow also released the M40A1 RR as a separate sprue and AFV Club has reissued the M40A1 boxed with the TOW from their Wiesel kit. For information contact Andy Larson 281-486-7166, Web site: TEXASMUZZLELOADINGRA.COM, Mountain Men of the WasatchShoots 2nd Sunday and Last Saturday monthly Lew Panopulos 801-889-5055, Bayley-Hazen MuzzleloadersShoot last Sat. Range Address: Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, 7039 Signal Hill Rd, Manassas, VA 20111. The battalion anti-tank weapon, designated the M-40, reportedly has greater range and more destructive power than any other weapon available at battalion level.Photo measures 8.5 x 7.75inches. Yellowstone Flint & Cap Club, Inc.Vicki Tollakson, PO Box 3, Argyle, WI 53504; Below is a short video, followed by His design, named the Davis gun, connected two guns back-to-back, with the backwards-facing gun loaded with lead balls and grease of the same weight as the shell in the other gun. The Armys new battalion (BAT) 106 MM. In addition, the Davy Crockett, a muzzle-loaded recoilless launch system for tactical nuclear warheads intended to counteract Soviet tank units, was developed in the 1960s and deployed to American units in Germany. monthly except Dec., Jan. & Feb., January 1st Shoot, Turkey Shoot Sunday before Thanksgiving. This breech-loaded and air-cooled single shot rifle fires fixed ammunition and was designed for direct firing only. Mississippi Dixie Muzzle LoadersShoots 1st Sunday monthly Feb. Oct. Walter Mabry, 1531 Plantation Blvd., Jackson, MS 39211, 601-956-7238, Boones Lick MuzzleloadersShoots 3rd Sundays monthly March October, Jerry Schulze 13 Crown Dr, Montgomery, MO 63361, Fort Osage Muzzle LoadersShoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Novelty Shoot 4th Saturday monthly March - October, Carl J Donze, PO Box 277, 94 NE 801 Rd., Knob Noster, MO 65336, 660-563-1295 or 660-563-5132,,, J. P. Gemmer Muzzle Loading Gun ClubLocated in Pacific, MO Public shoots 3rd Sun. That 106mm recoilless rifle sprue will allow you to turn Shoots last Sunday of month April November; Norma Holcomb, 4216 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317, 515-262-4712,, Iowa Black Powder FederationNorma Holcomb, 4216 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317, 515-262-4712,,, Raccoon Valley Muzzleloaders2023 Shoots March 25 (Flintlock Frolic), June 7-9 (Summer Shoot & Rendezvous), September 15-17 (Fall Shoot), Oct. 7 (Table Shoot) Charles Rice 515-370-1043; Rick McCollom, First Santa Fe Trail Plainsman Muzzleoading ClubClub meets every 3rd Sunday and the Saturday before each month except January. Frank Smith 207 River Bluff Drive West. monthly except winter months, Greg Parrott, 9172 E. 700th Ave., Robinson, IL 62454, 618-544-4488, Goshen Trail LongriflesShoots 2nd Sunday monthly except in May which is 1st Sunday; Kevin Settle, 4225 Fox Creek Rd., Mt. This allows for the elimination of much of the heavy and bulky recoil-counteracting equipment of a conventional cannon as well as a thinner-walled barrel, and thus the launch of a relatively large projectile from a platform that would not be capable of handling the weight or recoil of a conventional gun of the same size. To see the entire article by Alex Hollings and watch the video, click here: You must become a subscriber or login to view or post comments on this article. Search collectibles for brochures and more. Ft. McArthur LongriflesShoots 2nd Sunday monthly. Enjoy eWillys and want to contribute, but aren't sure how? IIRC, the M48A1 cuppola is the same as the A3 but without the riser. His idea was used experimentally by the British as an anti-Zeppelin and anti-submarine weapon mounted on a Handley Page O/100 bomber and intended to be installed on other aircraft.[5]. monthly; Walter Gerald 201 Randy Dr Taylors, SC 29687,, Muzzle Loaders of the Black HillsShoots 3rd Sunday monthly April through September. Ive worked on Aberdeen Proving Ground for the last 15 years and I can tell you that even today we have a lot of legacy vehicles. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. The office at the NMLRA Headquarters in Friendship, Indiana is the focal point for all information, expertise, and service data on muzzleloading. Burney demonstrated the technique with a recoilless 4-gauge shotgun. Buffalo Trace MuzzleloadersShoots 4th full weekend monthly except November and December, Tony Schmidt, 128 East Vine St., Olney, IL 62450, 618-843-8079, Ft. Dearborn Frontiersmen Div. Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. 3.7in fired a 22.2lb (10kg) wallbuster to 2,000 yards. Todd Meyers, 2347 Conifer Ct., Suamico, WI 54313, 920-609-3287. Find parts for sale. The Old Pueblo MuzzleloadersShoots 3rd Sunday monthly in Tucson, Chris Carr,, 520-395-0836. 970-663-2374;, Colorado State Muzzle Loading AssociationJoy Hicks, 4820 Montebello Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, 719-598-5715,,, Colorado Springs Muzzle LoadersShoots 1st Sunday monthly, Ted Beaupre, 941 Daffodil St., Fountain, CO 80817, 719-329-8126,, Fort Lupton Muzzle Loading Club2nd Saturday paper shoot, 3rd Saturday fun shoot, 4th Saturday bench shoot monthly, Al Seely 970-580-4727, Putnam Fish and GameShoot dates to be determined, John Haefele 110 Stone Bridge Rd. Feel free to donate. This is an original press photo. U.S. Army jeep mounted with 106mm recoilless rifle. Bonfield Range, Tom Spurlock, League President, 815-557-3942, Copyright 2008-2017 eWillys. Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than U.S. dollars and are approximate conversions to U.S. dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates. Andrew Gregg, 720 Sportsmans Lane, Kennett Square, PA 19348, 302-588-8695,, Upper Allegheny MuzzleloadersMonthly shoots April-Nov (call for deviations). People list in the wrong categories all the time, so don't be surprised to see brochures in the parts area for example. WebWhat is the M40 Recoilless Rifle? Recoilless rifle rounds for breech-loading reloadable systems resemble conventional cased ammunition, using a driving band to engage the rifled gun tube and spin-stabilize the projectile. His "Burney Gun" was developed to fire the Wallbuster shell against the Atlantic Wall defences, but was not required in the D-Day landings of 1944. Special shoots start at 11am and are flint or percussion open sights round patch ball only. Box 226, Aromas, CA, 95004, 831-726-3803,, The Australian War Memorial has a 106 mm recoilless rifle in the National Collection carried on a short wheel base Landrover. Wetzel Trace Long RiflesShoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Gary Leeper, 3994 E. St Rd 252, Franklin, IN 46131, 317-736-6797, The M40 106mm recoilless rifle is a portable, lightweight crew-served weapon that was designed by the United States as an anti-tank weapon. Kentucky Corps of LongriflemenAnnual Interstate Flintlock Shoot at Fort Boonesborough, 1st Saturday in October. The Luftwaffe also showed great interest in aircraft-mounted recoilless weapons to allow their planes to attack tanks, fortified structures and ships. Weve watched footage of tank-on-tank action in the deserts of the Middle East, and weve seen shots of modern tanks firing at static targets on test ranges. Andrew Kenworthy, 937-418-8965,, Facebook - Fort Green Ville ML. Member matches first Sunday monthly March December. Chris DeFrancisci, 540-840-2707,, They get to fire all kinds of weapons, spend all day at the range, blow shit up and go home at night. })(); Powered by Wordpress, theme based on the Simple Grid Theme. Aurora Sportsmens ClubShoots 3rd Saturday monthly April through October, Ken Drogemuller, 3622 Fairview Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60515, 630-969-6849, Fort LaMotte RangersShoots 3rd Sun. Gap. There are thousands. Contact. Rock River Buckskinners Inc.Matches throughout year. Spencer Korson 940 N 8 Mile Rd Midland, MI 48640, 989-600-0644,, River Valley Muzzle LoadersShoots 4th Sunday monthly, Beth Chubb, 1803 E. Warren Woods Rd., Buchanan, MI 49107, 269-695-3336, Sauk Trail Long RiflesShoots at Tecumseh, MI 2nd Sunday each month, Dennis Conner, 13627 E Michigan Ave. Grass Lake, MI 49240, 517-522-8976. Francis T. Mitchell, 101 Montgomery St., Westfield, MA 01085, 413-568-5012,, Blue Water Sportsman AssocShoots Winter League Jan. April; Summer League May August; Last Blast Woodswalk December 31. monthly except May, Steven Wood, 200 W. Harrison St., Sullivan, IL 61951,,, 217-728-7369. The rifle has greater range and destructive power than any other weapon now available on the battalion level.Photo measures 10 x 8.25inches. No shoot Jan. and Feb. New Weston, OH Max Muhlenkamp 260-335-2897,, Mansfield Muzzle Loader Rifle ClubRichard Clady 419-565-2937,, Miami Black Powder Cartridge Rifle ClubShoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Gregg Slepicka, 937-241-8082,, New Frontiersmen Muzzle Loading ClubShoots 3rd Sunday of each month January-NovemberDave Moore 4095 Faulk Rd Ashland, OH 44805 419-589-4843,,, Ohio Valley Muzzle Loading Gun Club,, Pokagon Longrifles Inc. Fast communication regarding combined shipping. Jamestown, NY 14701, 716-488-1992, Washington County BuckskinnersBlanket Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly Roy E. Scott, 304 Buckels Ave., Houston, PA 15342, 724-745-8402,, Whispering Pines Cap & Flint ClubShoots 3rd Sunday monthly. The reality of restoring a jeep can be quite different, expensive and overwhelming without the right tools and resources. 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